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The "Grand National" had the best time out of more than 50 cars Saturday


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Active Member
May 24, 2001
It was in the "unlimited" class running in the mid 2.2s. The second fastest car (also in the "unlimited" class) was another black one of a unique design running high 2.2s.

My son took home the first place place trophy with his car the "General Lee" with a best time of 2.302.

Now he gets to move on to the district Pinewood Derby.
I've got it on video tape. But I neither know how nor have the capability to digitize it.
My pinewood derby cars always won first place for design, and last place for speed. One time I won six silver dollars, which I still have
Originally posted by blackbuick87
My pinewood derby cars always one first place for design, and last place for speed. One time I won six silver dollars, which I still have

Just the opposite with me. 1st for speed and nothing for show.

Last time we got first we went to "district" and got 4th in speed. ;(

This time I'm planning to do better.
And the results are in...

First Place in speed at the District Pinewood Derby. :D

It was held today at the Cub Scout Expo at Bill Elliot's NASCAR Thunder Museum in Dawsonville, GA.

70 cars were entered for speed from all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in the cub scout pack Pinewood Derbys in the Chattahoochie District.

Next up is Council (I think).
I was always finishing first in the race, but not so good for show. My car was, the silver bullet.
Of course, see, I had plenty of testing time. My father was the one building the derby track in our garage! :D
I still have the car around somewhere. Took home a few trophies with it. It was a long time ago, but I think I remember making it to the district runs.
Congrats on the first place! :)
When I was in Boy Scouts, I won 1st two years in a row. The next year, I got 2nd in speed but I also won Best In Show. Needless to say, I was often accused of cheeting. Those where some fun and care free times:)


The two years I designed my car, I won first place for speed. The one year my father designed the car, I was last in speed. Go figure. :)
my car wqas always designed for speed, and it ussually was the fastest. we would always make the wheels more round(since they aren't really all that round new). and stuff like that. but i think the rules have changed quite a bit. someone told me that you arent aloud to use graphite any more...

Not true. Graphite (powdered) is the only lubricant you can use. Making the tires rounder is good, as is polishing the axles. One good trick is to raise one of the front tires slightly so it doesn't quite touch the ground. Sounds odd, but it works.
"Three wheelers" (one wheel raised so it doesn't touch) are illegal.

Only dry lubricants are allowed. And the wheels have to stay flat (no rounding or tapering).

Some packs may allow you to get away with breaking some of the rules. But our pack doesn't. And neither do they at the next levels (District, Council, State, whatever). In fact, I was one of the checkers because our pack ran the District Pinewood Derby this year. After the car got weighed they brought it to me for a dimision check. I had to put it on this nice, flat slab and if one wheel didn't turn when I pushed the car, I couldn't sign off on it. then I put it in this box. If it didn't fit, I didn't sign off.
When he said "rounding" the wheels he just meant making them rounder, not beveling. In fact, putting them on a drill bit and running them against a sand paper pad is recommended as long as you don't bevel them.
we would use a belt sander and carfully rotate the wheel on it(carfull not to flat spot it). it worked pretty well. we would also polish the axles. we never made it into a 3 wheeler. i dont remember all the tricks that we did. one time i painted it with black automotiive paint. my dad just happened to be painting one of his custom motorcyles about time for the derby. so my car was very slick black, pretty cool lookin'. good times...

Not sure if this is illegal now but when I was in BS my dad and I made the car so that the lead weight was at the back top corner of the car instead of the bottom. It worked incredibly well. It actually worked to "push" the car down the track.

The Council level Pinewood Derby is Saturday May 10 in Lawrenceville. It's for the NorthEast Georgia Coucil. So I'm going to polish the axles a little more and lube the wheels. I have a little "adapter" that I can turn the wheels on a dremel, and lightly sand them with 1200 paper. Then rub some poly-graphite lube onto them.

Weight in the back is better because the car begins with higher potential energy.