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The HOT Topic is the frigid lingering cold weather


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Dennis Kirban

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
As the heading states....for most of the country and Canada the frigid weather seems to linger for weeks on end. With that said what have you witnessed for the first time due to the weather that you have never seen before.

Here is my example. I have a 30 by 50 metal pole building heated to 50-55 degrees keeping all our vehicles warm and its shared by 3 of my cats. One stray cat has never figured out how to come in and out of the cat door. (I guess his IQ is not as bright as the others. One of the three that do stay indoors two are mine and one is one that is totally deaf that belonged to our neighbor who died about three years ago.

When I mean deaf I mean totally deaf I can start a car up next to him and he don't even flinch. So until this past week all of the did their "business" outside in the shrubbery bed or wherever (my life don't center around them). This week they been doing their business all in one small area near the one door.

That chain of events has never happened before.

Its interesting both of my daily SUVs have the exterior temp read out. In the building you start them up it reads 55-60 degrees by the time I travel half mile in the am it can drop to 2 or 1 degree. This excitement is duplicated every morning for the last two weeks.

Lets here your first time cold weather example
While it's lingering where you are we have yo-yo weather right now. Yesterday we had a high of 34 with a steady 20 mph wind and gusts to 30. I spent several hours out working in it taking breaks once in a while to warm up. Today it was 40 with an 8 mph wind and spent around 5 hours out. Tomorrow it's supposed to be above 60 and Sunday it's predicted to be in the low 70's. Then back to the 40's again. Great weather to get sick in if you don't take care of yourself.:arghh:
We are getting 2-4 inches tonight and 4 more on sunday and then Monday the temps dropping to sub zero again. The boss just told us we are working 16hours till Wednesday
Unusual here, too. 1 day last week 8* for the low/35* for the hi.
Been doing that for going on 2 weeks.
This am @ 6:30 13*. High will be in the lo 40's.
Forecast to be like this for the next week.
The upside: NO SNOW!!:cool:
Our brick sidewalks at work now look like a rollercoaster. Bunch of frost heaves all over the place.
It's ridiculous here. Snow, then sub-zero. Then it thawed followed by more snow and sub-freezing temps ever since. Plus the road crews in the city haven't exactly handled streets with much efficiency. Wind makes outside time limited and almost unbearable. I tell my wife to dress warmly in case something happened to the car and she had to get out and walk. At these temps you can get frostbite easily. I know there are areas worse off than us for longer periods of time but we aren't setup to deal with this for weeks on end. It's affecting the economy too - people only get out for little more than the essentials. But the good news is that it will end and end soon; it breaks February 1st and temps get back to our normal 30s/40s daytime temps. Everyone in operations at work is beat down and tired.
So damn cold and so much snow I want to go somewhere tropical:rolleyes: Oh and can someone explain global warming, we are setting all time low temps and record snow falls:confused: I open the door to let the dog out and she looks at me with the " ya I don't have to go that bad " :p
Has been 20 degrees or so below normal it seems over the last month or so. It got down to -2 actual temp and wind chill of -20 here about a week ago and It will be close to that this week. The next day I went out to the detached garage where my car is which is not insulated. The car cover had condensation all over it and all of my bottles of car wash soap, waxes, etc on the shelf were frozen solid. I have no idea how cold it got in there but I'll definitely be insulating it before next winter.
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I got suckered into this thread because I misread the title. I thought "lingering" was "lingerie"!!

I feel for you guys up north. It was 26 here a few days ago and I was a nervous wreck about my GN and all of my exposed water pipes. I can't imagine extended periods with temps below zero. Come to Texas and enjoy the warmth.
Its been 5-8 degrees here...Started to check anti freeze mix in the cars to make sure nothing freezes. No heated garage for daily drivers
Just be thankful you guys aren't up here in frickin' minnesota.....the temp this am is -14 degrees at
the airport(so it is -20 where I am at) with a wind chill of 35 to 45 below zero! YIKES! :eek: :inpain: