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Thermodynamics review.


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oh boy, looks like we're stumped! Problem is, my limited plebeian knowledge on this is sure to get me into trouble.
But here goes anyway....
Note: Lots of question marks indicate I haven't got a clue :-)

We all agree the boiling point, at least, is raised, yes?
It would then seems sensical the heat energy is likewise increased.
But, I THINK, because the temperature is higher is actually takes LESS specific heat for the phase change.
And if you allow my twisted logic a bit more freedom, I postulate, because of the temperature increase, the overall effect might be a net gain? ?? ???

Ohy, this is waaay over my bean brain.
In any case, we're talking a relatively small pressure increase so any deviation is likely academic.

Other opinions highly welcomed.
Laymans version.. water has a cooling effect on the intake charge.
everyone agees with this statement.

Throw in a monkey bout throwing some ice in the water and getting the water to lets say 35 degrees?

One thing I have notice watching race cars that run on methanol..they idle for a real long time trying to build engine heat. As a matter of fact..look at the intake manifold of an alcohol burning car after they run it..looks iced up
Originally posted by Razor
Laymans version.. water has a cooling effect on the intake charge.
everyone agees with this statement.

Throw in a monkey bout throwing some ice in the water and getting the water to lets say 35 degrees?

One thing I have notice watching race cars that run on methanol..they idle for a real long time trying to build engine heat. As a matter of fact..look at the intake manifold of an alcohol burning car after they run it..looks iced up

The Top Alcohol Cars move so much alky that the blower ices up when idling.

My friend bought a blown pro-mod a while back. He took the blower off but left the alky on. It could not build any heat when idling. It had a solid block. We did practice burnouts in his warehouse and after about 15 burnouts, the block was still cool to the touch.

Very interesting. I guess the amount of alky that you mive makes a difference. He made about 1000 HP at the crank. ERIC.:)