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Thinking about a DIY kit, which spray nozzle


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Mine since '92
May 25, 2001
Should I run an NOS nozzle? I've heard it doesn't atomize as well as some other nozzles available. What is the best one to use and where do I get it?
I have the same question (sorta) but if I consider the NOS nozzle because of the easy installation what size should I get? I have a stock turbo so I think it is either the .030" or .032"?

Paul, I used a .030 jet for a couple years when I had the stock turbo. Worked well and I didn't mess with it. Went to .032 with the 44 and works good. I guess I can go bigger but I'm not having a problem so why go through the work.

The advantage of atomization has been highly over rated. If you're happy to go 11s, the Nos nozzle and jet will take you there. If you want to go faster, forget alcohol and use race gas.

I've heard good things about the Mcmaster-carr jets. I'm happy with my NOS nozzle setup, so no need for me to change. I understand the Mcmaster-car jet setup is cheaper. I'm for that!
Anyone got a part number for the McMaster-Carr nozzle? Does it work like a NOS nozzle in that it allows jet changes, or is it adjustable?
Your most likely nozzles to use are the M10 or M15. If you have a shureflow pump you can vary the pressure output by turning the screw on the top.. If its a mid 12 sec car..105-110 trap an M10 should do the job..a little faster..then get an M15.

The company is McMaster Carr search under mist nozzle. You'll need a 90 degree 1/8 pipe adapter(home depot) and a 3/8 stainless washer to install it in the up-pipe...if it gets too confusing, drop me an email..

It is non adjustable, built in spring/valve, and filter screen.

Ohh most important..CHEAP :)
