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This Global warming Stuff is Scary.


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May 25, 2001
If this is happening now I cant imagine where we are going to be 20 to 30 yrs from now, something needs to be done before is too late.

PANGNIRTUNG, Canada - Thirty miles from the Arctic Circle, hunter Noah Metuq feels the Arctic changing. Its frozen grip is loosening; the people and animals who depend on its icy reign are experiencing a historic reshaping of their world.

Fish and wildlife are following the retreating ice caps northward. Polar bears are losing the floes they need for hunting. Seals, unable to find stable ice, are hauling up on islands to give birth. Robins and barn owls and hornets, previously unknown so far north, are arriving in Arctic villages.

The global warming felt by wildlife and increasingly documented by scientists is hitting first and hardest here, in the Arctic where the Inuit people make their home. The hardy Inuit -- described by one of their leaders as "sentries for the rest of the world" -- say this winter was the worst in a series of warm winters, replete with alarms of the quickening transformation that many scientists believe will spread from the north to the rest of the globe.

The Inuit -- with homelands in Alaska, Canada, Greenland and northern Russia -- saw the signs of change everywhere. Metuq hauled his fishing shack onto the ice of Cumberland Sound last month, as he has every winter, confident it would stay there for three months. Three days later, he was astonished to see the ice break up, sweeping away his shack and $6,000 of turbot fishing gear.

In Nain, Labrador, hunter Simon Kohlmeister, 48, drove his snowmobile onto ocean ice where he had hunted safely for 20 years. The ice flexed. The machine started sinking. He said he was "lucky to get off" and grab his rifle as the expensive machine was lost. "Someday we won't have any snow," he said. "We won't be Eskimos."

‘It's getting very strange up here’
In Resolute Bay, Inuit people insisted that the dark arctic night was lighter. Wayne Davidson, a longtime weather station operator, finally figured out that a warmer layer of air was reflecting light from the sun over the horizon. "It's getting very strange up here," he said. "There's more warm air, more massive and more uniform."

Villagers say the shrinking ice floes mean they see hungry polar bears more frequently. In the Hudson Bay village of Ivujivik, Lydia Angyiou, a slight woman of 41, was walking in front of her 7-year-old boy last month when she turned to see a polar bear stalking the child. To save him, she charged with her fists into the 700-pound bear, which slapped her twice to the ground before a hunter shot it, according to the Nunatsiaq News.

In the Russian northernmost territory of Chukotka, the Inuit have drilled wells for water because there is so little snow to melt. Reykjavik, Iceland, had its warmest February in 41 years. In Alaska, water normally sealed by ice is now open, brewing winter storms that lash coastal and river villages. Federal officials say two dozen native villages are threatened. In Pangnirtung, residents were startled by thunder, rain showers and a temperature of 48 degrees in February, a time when their world normally is locked and silent at minus-20 degrees.

"We were just standing around in our shorts, stunned and amazed, trying to make sense of it," said one resident, Donald Mearns.
Its scary, huh? And with my generation its only gonna get worse, it seems like no one cares anymore.

According to the National Geographic Channel (so you know it has to be true) the earth goes through this cycle every 10,000 years or so....

We heat up.....we cool down....we heat up.....we cool down....

This just happens to be the first time in human history where we understand enough and are writing things down so it appears to be something never before seen and we should all panic.

This winter in my area was the highest recorded snowfall in like 30 years and some pretty chilly temps to go with it.

Seems to me I read somewhere that the same people who are trying to scare us all with global warming are the same ‘scientists’ who back in the 70’s said we are entering another ice age.

Screw global warming....worry about the real threats to you like early parole for violent criminals, biological/chemical weapons, and that meteor that will strike Earth any day now.

Only worry about the things that you can actually control and have an immediate and real impact on your life. Worrying about things like GW is useless and wasteful.
wiked87gn said:
If this is happening now I cant imagine where we are going to be 20 to 30 yrs from now, something needs to be done before is too late.

Why is this scary? And what exactly needs to be "done"?

So inuits won't be able to drive their snowmobiles to club seals anymore. Sucks for them.

The article fails to mention Russia had the coldest winter on record. I guess it doesn't fit the "earth is warming" template.

A northwest passage would be huge. Polar Ice retreats and advances all the time, and yet there is zero perceptable change in sea level.

Even at the most extreme estimate of Greenlands Ice melting, the estimates are it will only raise Sea levels 2 mm/year. OMG the sky is falling!!!! At 2mm year, we only have 75 years to "do something" before it raises a whole 6 inches.
Renthorin said:
According to the National Geographic Channel (so you know it has to be true) the earth goes through this cycle every 10,000 years or so....

We heat up.....we cool down....we heat up.....we cool down....

This just happens to be the first time in human history where we understand enough and are writing things down so it appears to be something never before seen and we should all panic.

This winter in my area was the highest recorded snowfall in like 30 years and some pretty chilly temps to go with it.

Seems to me I read somewhere that the same people who are trying to scare us all with global warming are the same ‘scientists’ who back in the 70’s said we are entering another ice age.

Screw global warming....worry about the real threats to you like early parole for violent criminals, biological/chemical weapons, and that meteor that will strike Earth any day now.

Only worry about the things that you can actually control and have an immediate and real impact on your life. Worrying about things like GW is useless and wasteful.

WOW, talk about ignorance..
Ignorance is beleiving the hype and outright lies about global warming.

I highly suggest you read the works of bjorn lomborg, julian simon, and heck go visit

Most of this crap is thoroughly debunked

If the earth is indeed warming, then that would be a sign of things functioning as usual, as the earth has never held a constant temperature.

The evidence to prove it is our fault is speculative at best and out right dishonesty at worst.

Even if we are causing any global warming, then we should celebrate, as we are due for another ice age.

People talk alot about how ice caps are melting and cities will be inundated as though we will all be crammed onto some hilltop somewhere. Making the long stretch that this is even in the realm of possibility, I notice that these people make no mention of the vast swaths of land that will now become not only inhabitable but downright pleasant to live in. Not to mention longer growing seasons and thus cheaper food
FYI, the high temp on the first day of spring in PANGNIRTUNG, Canada was 10 degrees F so the Ice is forming again.

You need to be suspicious of "Global Warming" stories that use temps from over a month ago to "Prove" global warming is happening.

If you were to look through the record temps in any Northeastern US City, I'll bet you will find record high temps (in the 70's and 80's) in February in the late 1920's early 1930's.

Was this caused by SUV's?

Oh, I know, It was all Herbert Hoover's fault.
Lets not forget urban heat island effect

Lets say you live in a city and youve been taking temp measurements for the past 100 years. Youll note an increase in average temp. Do you scream zOMG GLOBAL WARMING, TEH Ev1L CAPITAL1$t$!!!!111!!

No, you as an intelligent individual realize that buildings absorb sunlight during the day as heat and end up raising the temperature of their surroundings. Since the city you live in has probably grown considerably, the number of buildings contributing to this phenomenon has also grown. Thus the temp is going to rise.

There is alot of debate as to whether or not UHIE is accurately figured in to any temperature statistics. As many articles point out, weather balloon data which is largely unaffected by UHIE has not changed considerably at all since measurements have been kept.

Another issue
the ice caps, ice burgs

If you look at an Ice burg, over 90% of it is under water, so while it may appear huge from a ship, its even bigger if you dive down. As anyone who knows why potholes form will tell you, water expands when it freezes. Ice is less dense than water, put an ice cube in a cup and then look at the water level, wait till the ice melts and measure the level again. Tell me which one is lower.

Keep that into consideration when you think of these doomsday predictions. There may indeed still be more ice above water than under it, but there are so many variables, to include variables like the ones above to keep it from being anywhere near a clear cut issue. And thats only discussing one variable about one possible net result of something that itself has not been proven and has thousands of variables that have yet to be quantitatively measured accurately.
Wicked, I don't have to talk about ignorance..... you are doing fine without my help :-)

Relax man.... there is nothing to get worked up about. And just for the sake of supporting the panic mongers.....let's say global warming is really something to worry about.....what are you going to do that will make the slightest difference?

In bjorn lomborgs book, the skeptical environmentalist he goes in depth discussing about how you can prove anything with data depending on how you take your sample

Lets say I decide to take a three day sample of weather that I can observe. Today it does not rain. Tomorrow, however, It does rain, 1 inch, and then the next day it rains two inches.

Using that data I can construct a projection of rain such that the earth turns into waterworld in a year. By the end of the month it should be raining 30 inches of rain per day.

Alot of this global warming stuff is based on samples simply too short to extrapolate any meaningful data. We have been on earth a realitively short time and an even more relatively short time with the desire and equipment capable of measuring weather. How can you measure the average pulse of the planet when youve only had your finger on the artery for 1 second?
"This is not new news. These changes started 18,000 thousand years ago, as the earth emerged from the Pleistocene Ice Age-- a time when ice-covered mammoths and mastodons roamed the earth.

Geologists know great ice sheets once covered large portions of the continents. These glaciers have alternately retreated and advanced as the earth has warmed and cooled, in cycles spanning hundreds, thousands, and millions of years.

Historical data from ocean sediments and ice cores indicate warm interglacial periods of 15,000 - 20,000 years separate each major ice age. We currently are in an interglacial period, and are due ( some say overdue ) for the next 100,000- year Ice Age."


"From an historical perspective, global warming has saved us, at least temporarily, from an Icehouse Climate, although humans can hardly take the credit.

Science is clear on what controls cycles of climate change. Global warming (and cooling) cycles are controlled primarily by:

* 1) Cyclical variations in the sun's energy output
* 2) Eccentricities in Earth's orbit
* 3) The influence of plate tectonics on the distribution of continents and oceans
* 4) The so-called "greenhouse effect," caused by atmospheric gases such as gaseous water vapor (not droplets), carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides, which help to trap radiant heat which might otherwise escape into space.

The "greenhouse effect" actually is a bit player in global climate (although without it's benefits the average temperature of the Earth would be minus 18° C). Human's did not cause the greenhouse effect, but critics maintain human additions to atmospheric greenhouse gases may cause global temperatures to rise too much.

Generally understood, but rarely publicized is the fact that 95% of the greenhouse effect is due solely to natural water vapor. Of the remaining 5%, only 0.2% to 0.3% of the greenhouse effect (depending on whose numbers you use) is due to emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases from human sources. "

Courtesy of:
On show I was watching a scientist showed what the real issue with the ice melting in the artic. Under that ice is rotting vegitation. The CO2 that it is giving off with the rotting is a massive amount and it the consern is that amount plus what we put in the air will compound the greenhouse effect. It's not a myth that this is serious. No doubt we need to get out of the carbon base and find a clean, renewable, non Arab country solution to our energy needs.
Pronto said:
On show I was watching a scientist showed what the real issue with the ice melting in the artic. Under that ice is rotting vegitation. The CO2 that it is giving off with the rotting is a massive amount and it the consern is that amount plus what we put in the air will compound the greenhouse effect. It's not a myth that this is serious. No doubt we need to get out of the carbon base and find a clean, renewable, non Arab country solution to our energy needs.

If you could hook a tube to my Azz you would get pleanty of renewable enrgey totally free. :biggrin:
I think we need a good ice age. think about it, it would cut WAY back on population & then the planet could start over fresh again. ;)
I'm hoping for a earthquake of biblical proportions in the middleast. Swallow it all up in one gulp.
Maybe it is just me but I kind of thought that movie "The Day After Tomorrow" looked like fun.

And before anyone jumps on me.... no...mass death of innocent people is not fun...that is not what I mean.

Just the struggle for survival. Not the crap we do today where we worry about for new turbos...real survival where you have to cut firewood and fish or you die.

good times.............
The have been many dozens of natural warming & cooling periods in earth's history, on time scales of 10,000s years and longer -- many before there were any modern humans on earth

What the present controversy is about, is modern human's contribution to overall warming.

The concerns are, that humans may be adding to the natural variation and causing warming to occur much faster than the natural systems can adjust, or that the amount of natural warming may be increased substantially by human activity.

Since one can't do a controlled experiment, the field is rife with computer simulations of varying quality.

Here is an article from MIT Technology Review that outlines the perils of that approach:,296,p1.html
Most know Michael Crichton a popular author of adventure/scifi books, eg Jurassic Park. Fewer know Crichton is a very bright, articulate, analytical thinker -- indeed, he has an M.D. from Harvard Medical School.

Few years ago he gave a speech, "Aliens Cause Global Warming" , on the dangers to society from politicized science and "bad" science.

It's worth reading:
Thanks for the link to that article. It was a good read.

"Nobody believes a weather prediction twelve hours ahead. Now we're asked to believe a prediction that goes out 100 years into the future? And make financial investments based on that prediction? Has everybody lost their minds? "

I love it!!!