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This Global warming Stuff is Scary.


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Crichton wrote:
"Nobody believes a weather prediction twelve hours ahead. Now we're asked to believe a prediction that goes out 100 years into the future? And make financial investments based on that prediction? Has everybody lost their minds? "

Although, short term weather forecasts have gotten pretty good ... crichton stretches that to make his point. But it'd be fair to say that weather forecasts 1 week out are tenuous and probabilistic ... to say "50% chance of rain" is no different than flipping a coin. :rolleyes:
Melting Ice Threatens Sea-Level Rise

By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The Earth is already shaking beneath melting ice as rising temperatures threaten to shrink polar glaciers and raise sea levels around the world.

By the end of this century, Arctic readings could rise to levels not seen in 130,000 years — when the oceans were several feet higher than now, according to new research appearing in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

Even now, giant glaciers lubricated by melting water have begun causing earthquakes in Greenland as they lurch toward the ocean, other scientists report in the same journal.

In principal findings:

• At the current warming rate, Earth's temperature by 2100 will probably be at least 4 degrees warmer than now, with the Arctic at least as warm as it was 130,000 years ago, reports a research group led by Jonathan T. Overpeck of the University of Arizona.

• Computer models indicate that warming could raise the average temperature in parts of Greenland above freezing for multiple months and could have a substantial impact on melting of the polar ice sheets, says a second paper by researchers led by Bette Otto-Bliesner of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Melting could raise sea level one to three feet over the next 100 to 150 years, she said.

• And a team led by Goeran Ekstroem of Harvard University reported an increase in "glacial earthquakes," which occur when giant rivers of ice — some as big as Manhattan — move suddenly as meltwater eases their path. That sudden movement causes the ground to tremble.

Otto-Bliesner and Overpeck wrote separate papers and also worked together, studying ancient climate and whether modern computer climate models correctly reflect those earlier times. That allowed them to use the models to look at possible future conditions. The researchers studied ancient coral reefs, ice cores and other natural climate records.

"Although the focus of our work is polar, the implications are global," Otto-Bliesner said. "These ice sheets have melted before and sea levels rose. The warmth needed isn't that much above present conditions."

According to the studies, increases in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the next century could raise Arctic temperatures as much as 5 to 8 degrees.

The warming could raise global sea levels by up to three feet this century through a combination of thermal expansion of the water and melting of polar ice, Overpeck and Otto-Bliesner said.

Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton University, who was not part of the research teams, said, "One point stands out above all others and that is that a modest global warming may put Earth in the danger zone for a major sea level rise due to deglaciation of one or both ice sheets."

Ekstroem and colleagues reported that glacial earthquakes in Greenland occur most often in July and August and have more than doubled since 2002.

"People often think of glaciers as inert and slow-moving, but in fact they can also move rather quickly," Ekstroem said. "Some of Greenland's glaciers, as large as Manhattan and as tall as the Empire State Building, can move 10 meters in less than a minute, a jolt that is sufficient to generate moderate seismic waves."

Melting water from the surface gradually seeps down, accumulating at the base of a glacier where it can serve as a lubricant allowing the ice to suddenly move downhill, the researchers said.

"Our results suggest that these major outlet glaciers can respond to changes in climate conditions much more quickly than we had thought," said team member Meredith Nettles of Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
I do not think I have seen a larger collection of "could", "might", "probably", "may", and "suggest" in a single document.

In summary "we have some ideas that we found evidence to support but nothing conclusive to prove anything out of the ordinary is happening".

The oceans rising and falling is part of this planet's history. So is glacial advance and retreat.

Wake up people.......... the earth is doing nothing more than what is has and will do again.

To blame it on SUV's and the like is paranoid and downright irresponsible.
Blob, all of those are from a conference on Global Warming.

Everyone at a Global warming conference has a vested interest in telling a scary story. The higher the sea Level prediction, the more media exposure and funding. The 2mm sea level rise I quoted was one of their "scariest" predictions, based on 2.5 whole years of data from Greenland Ice measurements.

The Global warming group tells us how greenhouse Gas Output will be 4 Times todays output in 50 years....while another group tells us about "Peak oil"... how we are going to run out of oil in 40 years.

If we run out of oil in 40 years, greenhouse gas output will be 1/4 today's level in 50 years.

It will all work itself out, with little or no human intervention.
Question.... If the polar ice caps did melt, would it make ocean water drinkable? Would it be possible for the ice caps to melt so much that it would dilute the water enough to kill off sea life? just curious. I think that global warming is kinda crappy. It wont effect me or my kids so i am not to worried about burning to death here on earth. Harry
Changing the saline level of the ocean just a few points would kill off sea life for that matter raising or lowing the temp of it does too. Only a few fish are capable of living in both sea and fresh water. It takes millions of years for animals to adapt to it.
Follow the money, when grants are given to scientists to study a topic they will not tell you that every thing is ok because the funding will not be renewed. TV is desperate for news stories so they will glom onto anything they can to try to get attention.

dragonational said:
Question.... If the polar ice caps did melt, would it make ocean water drinkable? Would it be possible for the ice caps to melt so much that it would dilute the water enough to kill off sea life? just curious. I think that global warming is kinda crappy. It wont effect me or my kids so i am not to worried about burning to death here on earth. Harry

The polar Ice caps will never completely melt (it's still dark up there 24 hours, 9 months out of the year... that's NEVER going to change).

The oceans are currently 4 times saltier now than when life began on earth.

The mean ocean depth is 3,700 meters (over 10,000 feet)

Even 20 feet of fresh water would change the salinity, what... .1% max?

Again, please stop worrying about this.
Today, Al Gore is bringing his global warming drum to Seattle to preach to gospel of the evils of a mechanized society.....get people out of their enforce the Kyoto Protocols here (something the U.S. has not recognized)..

Ponder this:

Seattle just killed the monorail project for the 3rd time (mass transit). The mayor (Greg Nichols) has an agenda to make it more expensive to drive in Seattle/King County by upping the costs to drive in/around Seattle- toll roads, increased parking costs, increased taxes, etc., so people will migrate towards mass transit.

Total estimated costs: in excess of $57,000,000 + increases

Total estimated impact on the global warming problem: LESS than .10%.

To me, global warming (the political version) is voodoo science that just pushes an agenda.
UNGN said:
Blob, all of those are from a conference on Global Warming.

Everyone at a Global warming conference has a vested interest in telling a scary story.


Well, the bird flu isn't working for me either so now I've got to find something to be afraid of besides muslims.

Maybe asteroids.
There are vast sums of money and power waiting for the next generation of doomsdayers. These EPA freaks are making a position of power for themselves by keeping people scared. There are huge "scrape" marks going vertically up north america, from the last time the glaciers retreated. Its a cycle. Its always been there.
VadersV6 said:
There are vast sums of money and power waiting for the next generation of doomsdayers. These EPA freaks are making a position of power for themselves by keeping people scared. There are huge "scrape" marks going vertically up north america, from the last time the glaciers retreated. Its a cycle. Its always been there.

Are you sure those scrape marks weren't caused by Mastodons and Giant Sloths driving around in massive SUV's until the inevitible "Day after Tomorrow" style Ice age came about due to their arrogance and greed?
We could be scared of the Russians....but that might be to 1980's....

We could be afraid of Sasquatch.....but I don't think he eats people....

I vote for asteroids. The are big, fast, and unpredictable...sort of like SUV's...
I've decided to be scared of this

Forecasts: Northeast Due for Big Hurricane

DOVER, N.H. - New England could be in for a big one. Meteorologists say conditions — including warmer temperatures in the Atlantic Basin and cooler temperatures in the Pacific Ocean — are ripe for the Northeast coast to be hit by a ****per of a hurricane this season.

Ken Reeves, a senior meteorologist at the AccuWeather Center in State College, Pa., said that when the Pacific is cooler, it "essentially drives the storm track further to the east in the Atlantic Ocean basin."

He predicts the East Coast north of the Mid-Atlantic states could see a Category 3 hurricane, a storm that could resemble the devastating systems that hit New England between the 1930s and 1950s.


Why does the censorship program censor the word "w h o p p e r"? :confused: :rolleyes:
In 1934 NE was hit with a massive hurricane. Damage back then was in the millions, today it would be billions. It's just a matter of time before be get one again. I think we have had 2 come by us since I've been in NH. Lots of wind damage and power outages but no deaths like in 1934.
Short sighted
Google the planet temps going back say 200 million years
We have far to go to warm the planet within a eye blink of what it used to be when real heat dominated.
it used to he so hot there where no ice
Reptiles used to be in the artic circle as we know it.