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Tip on how to prime a new pump from Julio


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turbo nasty

Turbo Dojo / MNTR
Jul 19, 2001
Installed my newly rebuilt pump from Julio and the darn thing wouldnt prime via the test button in the car...even on max.
After removing the pump 3 times to triple check. It still wouldnt prime up. I was a lil pissed thinking the pump maybe was messed up.
Called Julio on his cell and at 830 sat night he calls me and walks me through it.

TIP..........if you cant get the pump to prime put a cup or so of H2O in the tank (of course if its already full of meth just roll with that).
Then turn key on, place hose to the nozzle in the tank securely (so it recirculates) and jump out the green and gray wires on the map with a paper clip or equiv.
This sends 12 volts to the pump vs. 3 via the test button. It took about 2-3 seconds but she primed.
Then just top it off with Methanol and your good

Note....The hose will fly out if not in the tank securely.

Big thanx to Julio for the support.
Why do you have to put in a cup a H2O? Why not just pure meth? I almost have my kit hooked up:biggrin:
Typically when I install a kit I put water in the tank, like a cup full and test the kit to check for leaks.

Two reasons, one is water is thicker than alcohol.. so pumping is easier, and if there is a loose fitting.. its easier to deal with a water leak than a methanol leak.

Pour water down you arm then methanol youll see why to test with H20:eek:...LOL:D