Tis the Season

Dennis Kirban

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
Tis the Season

As the title suggests add any relative comments that come to mind as we are now deep into that special time of the year.

Here is my take from a humorous view.

The time of the year to check out the latest Chia Pet product. (Too bad none us came up with that idea).

Shopping for that freshly cut Christmas tree when the truth is all of them are cut prior to Thanksgiving no matter where you shop!

Wondering why every toy doll you look at buying for your daughter or grand daughter is tightly held in the box by 8 to 10 wire straps. Are they afraid the doll will escape?

Keeping your fingers crossed that the first time you plug in the Christmas lites on the tree they actually work after a year of sitting. The frustration of finding a similar bulb to replace the one that burned out.

One trick we did one year was when one of our relatives fell asleep during gift opening time we took his shoes and wrapped them as a gift for him to open!

Looking for any toy in any store that was actually made in the USA.

One new trick this year was seeing Christmas cards saying designed in the USA printed in China. (I wonder if Christmas is even celebrated in most of China)

Do you marvel at how in the world they can package a string of 200 Christmas lites in a little 4 inch by 6 inch box? Once removed you never get the strand back in the box.

The older you get to you reflect back to when you were young looking forward to getting that special toy you always wanted?

Is it me or doesn't it seem people become a lot nicer at this time of the year?

Wishing all the readers of this post a Happy and Joyful Christmas in advance....
Thanks Dennis and thanks for the xmas specials. You and your co.are top notch.

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