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Took a new vette to school...


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In Between GN's
Dec 24, 2005
Racing a new vette might be old hat for most of you but I rarely drive my GN so when an opportunity presents itself I take advantage of it.

I went to a car show this past weekend with about 250 cars. It was supposed to be 15 years or older vehicles but you know the new vettes had to show up. I of course had the only GN and got plenty of looks and questions. On the way out of the show a new vette with what looked to be a 3 foot cowl induction hood started to mess with me. His car sounded downright nasty but I knew he had no idea what was under my hood. He also had no idea that I had filled my tank with pure 110 race gas and cranked the boost to 23 psi in anticipation of an unsuspecting prey:cool: . I played it cool till we got on the interstate together and he started his antics once again. We were rolling at about 65 mph when he punched it. I nailed it to the floor and slowly crept up on him and proceeded to pass him. We didnt go very long because of traffic but he along with alot of the other car show participants saw the race and got the message. "Dont mes those black cars!" He looked about 20 something years old and I know he was wondering what an old black regal was doing beating his new vette out on the top end.:eek: Needless to say he gave me a thumbs up and even though I didnt win a trophy at the show that was the best award I could have gotten all weekend. Class dismissed!
haha, nice kill! how new of a vette was it? like a brand new '06, or the previous gen? either way they're quick cars, especially if it was modded. way to represent!
I dont know what year it was, he was in my rearview mirror!:biggrin:

Seriously all the late models look the same to me except the new C6, that one has a unique look. I know a vette enthusiast hates to hear that all the years look the same but its true, they dont stand out to me at all. That being said I do respect the new 11 second vettes even though they cost a lot of $. Any car you can buy off the showroom and drive straight to the track and rip off 120+mph runs is formidable.
I love educating our youth.

U were just doing ur civic duty, and Im sure the local speed shop will love it after he spends a few thousand trying to prevent that from happening again. Sad thing is Im 33 and Im already thinking of myself as being old!