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TRACK FACTS.... setting it straight...


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Shhh... I've got a Secret
Oct 30, 2001
Guys, look for the full page ad in tomorrow's paper...

Track Talk: Setting the Record Straight
There have been many rumors and misconceptions floating around with regard to the current motor sports facility on Oahu. Paradise Cruisers – Hawaiian Island Hotrods has been involved with the movement to build a new motor sports facility since 2004 and would like to share some of the things we have learned during this process.


The current motor sports facility is scheduled to close at the end of March. This is due to the following:

 The lease for the current facility from Campbell Estate has been on temporary extensions for over a decade and will end in April of this year
 The zoning variance which allows for a motor sports facility at the current location has expired
 The EPA has mandated closure of the septic system at the facility
 The aging facility is in need of repairs for safety reasons
 Current activities have outgrown this facility as it was built over 40 years ago
 None of these repairs/renovations can be completed under the zoning variance, nor is it feasible economically to do so.

It is not possible to continue operating under these conditions.

But why do we need a motor sports facility on Oahu? Glad you asked!

 A motor sports facility provides a safe, controlled environment for enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds to participate in their favorite recreational activity without endangering others.
 A motor sports facility provides a venue for advanced driver education which prepares people to handle emergency situations and avoid accidents on public roads.
 There are dozens of thriving, tax-paying, motor sport related businesses on Oahu that depend on enthusiasts for their livelihood.

Loss of the facility means all of these will disappear.

A new “world-class” facility would provide these benefits… and more!

 An economic study has shown that holding 4 national-caliber events per year will bring 300 Million new dollars into the state’s economy.
 90% of this amount is spent in the community, not at the facility.
 This “multi-use” facility will allow multiple events to be held simultaneously, thereby providing additional opportunity for safe participation in motor sport activities.

This is nothing but good for public safety and the economy.

There are currently 2 bills passing through the legislature that would promote construction of a new, “World-Class” facility at Kalaeloa (formerly Barber’s Point) Parcel 9. They are House Bill 994 and Senate Bill 1734.

Rumors and Misconceptions regarding these bills:

These bills are “give aways” of your hard-earned tax dollars

These bills introduce a new approach to allocating tax incentives. Measurable positive economic growth must be demonstrated before any tax break is given. This is commonly referred to as “Tax Incentive Financing” and mirrors legislation in Texas aimed to stimulate economic growth.

These bills support a small “special interest” group;

Over 160,000 people on Oahu attended or participated in motor sports activities in 2005. This number is projected to triple after the construction of a larger, modern facility.

There is no place available to build a new facility

Under the BRAC ’93 Closure Act, Kalaeloa Parcel 9 was designated for use as a motor sports facility.

The Department of Hawaiian Homelands owns Kalaeloa Parcel 9 and will be building homes on that land

DHHL has signed a contract agreeing to exchange Kalaeloa Parcel 9 for a more desirable location that is closer to residential infrastructure.

It is for these reasons that Paradise Cruisers - Hawaiian Island Hotrods humbly asks for your support of HB-994 and SB-1734 which would provide “Tax Incentive Financing” for a new facility.

A general description of the bills can be found at by clicking the link “Click here to see what you can do to save motor sports on Oahu!!”

If you would like to read the bills, they can be found at: and
(There are links to these bills on as well)

Your efforts to encourage House Speaker Calvin Say, Representative Dwight Takamine (Hilo), Senate President Robert Bunda, and Senator Brian Taniguchi (Manoa) to move these bills to conference will be appreciated throughout the community. Contact information can be found at

All questions, comments, and letters of support can be directed to or posted on the discussion forum located at Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read and understand the issues and how they affect our island community.

This message has been brought to you by Paradise Cruisers - Hawaiian Island Hotrods.
Don't know if anyone got this or if its old, if you guys did not get this do it. Download the word document, fill out your name and address and you need to sign and then you need to scan it and then e-mail a copy to someone dude at the legislator........... :D

Nah just jk I have the e-mail at work I will post it up later.


What defines, "4 national-caliber events per year?" And what guarantee is there that these types of events will indeed take place?
DRO said:
What defines, "4 national-caliber events per year?" And what guarantee is there that these types of events will indeed take place?

Dave, the burden of that is on the promoters... seems they have some events possibly lined up IF the new facilty is built...

I take it you would rather NOT have a facilty to play at?

Your question may be beter answered over at

EDIT: if I sounded a bit brash.. it's because I'm just a bit tired from pulling these 16 hour shifts... please forgive....
DRO said:
What defines, "4 national-caliber events per year?" And what guarantee is there that these types of events will indeed take place?

Holy Crap! It can't be!?!..... It's the "Admiral"!...... ;) :cool:

Nawww, no apologies needed, Rob. Just playing devil's advocate. I guess I'm thinking of the "Super Prix" that turned into a huge embarrassment (in my opinion) for Hawaii about 6 or 7 years ago.
DRO said:
Nawww, no apologies needed, Rob. Just playing devil's advocate. I guess I'm thinking of the "Super Prix" that turned into a huge embarrassment (in my opinion) for Hawaii about 6 or 7 years ago.

Well, based on input I got from Mike O...

There are groups who have said "if you build it, we will come"

The super prix literally gave money away, because the State gave the investors the tax break from the get-go... This is different. Unless the facility is built and generating more income than its predecessor did.. no credit... so you see, the burden is truly on the track and its investors to MAKE it profitable so it benefits ALL involved... No "hit and split" here... they have to be in for the long run, and not just a short profit run...
Not that this affects me anymore...but The track gets closed at the end of march? and you have to wait until the new track is built? that could be years!
I cant imagine how different responses would be if golfing or sport fishing was under this threat.
Best of luck you guys.
HI85WH1 said:
Kinda yes and no...

It seems that George Grace is willing to step up to the plate...

I hope it works out for you guys. Not having a racetrack on Oahu, when it has 80% of Hawaii's population, and yet there is one on Maui and the Big Island, is absolutely ridiculous.

Hopefully it doesn't shutdown, even temporarily. A shutdown could result in more deaths from the idiots who race on the streets. Hopefully it doesn't come to that. Unfortunately, alot of times that is the kind of thing that it takes for governments to listen. :mad:

Good luck, keep up the fight.
Clay, Thanks for the support...

You may want to express your concerns to our legislature, seeing as you are a frequent Hawaii visitor....

For the rest... do you guys have the postcards yet?...