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Trans slips on left turns...


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New Member
Jun 20, 2004
My '95 PA Ultra has been slipping out of gear on Full Throttle-left turns and sometimes when cold, it slips out @ Wide Open Throttle going straight.

I also had this problem with my '91 Regal 3800 4spd auto, which I never figured out either, and it wasn't an electric trans...or at least it didn't have the "E" on the pan. I changed the filter and fluid in this one but it didn't change anything.

Fluid is full, not burnt and clean...:confused:
Same for my old Regal...

It doesn't just seem to slip, it completely kicks out of gear, and hits the rev limiter...
I should add that those left turns were "rolling" left turns, and the trans would shift out of gear instead of just downshifting.

Oh, and sometimes in the morning when I drop it in gear, it takes a few seconds for the trans to catch and start it's a fluid issue.
Look at the o ring on the neck of the filter if it's not sealing properly it may sometimes suck some air when sloshing around and the top of the filter is uncovered. make sure you didn't damage the hole that the seal is tapped into