Trunk deadening


New Member
Apr 15, 2002
hey guys, im getting ready to build my box for my 12" infinity kappa perfect sub and i would like your input on the best places to start deadening my trunk. i will be porting the box through the deck (in the location where the 6x9's used to be), but i still think the sound pressure in the trunk will drive me nuts if i dont deaden it. my last system install was in a firebird so this trunk issue is somewhat new to me :confused: anyway, your input would be appreciated as i would like my kappa perfect to sound as "perfect";) as possible. thanks again,
I'd start by making sure that the lid adjustments are optimum. Meaning that they are screwed down as far as they can go and still allow the trunk to seal. Maybe even an extra small twist after that. This helped get rid of alot of the rattle I had. I have 2 10's in a bandbass box firing at the trunk getting 300 watts and have no audible rattle.
You say that the lid adjustments help but i am not sure where the adjustments are made. It sounds like a great suggestion so i would like to know how to do it. thanks a lot.
There are 2 rubber screws at the end of the lid (one in each corner). Right next to the plastic covers that cover the bolt holes for the rear spoiler. HTH.
DOH!! Man work and school is messing with my mind lately. Adjusting the screws is only part of the solution. There are 2 bolts that allow adjustment of the latch on the trunk. You need to adjust those 2 bolts to allow the whole latch assembly to go down. This is what actually draws the trunk down. The bolts are in the center of the trunk well. Right behind the gas tank fill tube. Remeber these screws were originally set on the assembly line so you know they were not done with any precision. Mine had to be moved down close to 1/4" inch each. If you do these 2 adjustments it should help with trunk rattle. It did with mine.