Dave, If you have the old flange send it to me and I will put a new ball on it. $50 bucks shipped should cover it. If you do not have the old one I can make you a new one. $125. shipped at the most. Call me.
Steve Kaminski
856-881-3235 Shop & Home
609-230-0132 Cell
Frank, The GN & TTA had the same cat converter. They had a four bolt flange on the back. The '87-'92 F-bodies and '89 TTA's had a ball socket on the front of the front pipe with a two bolt flange like the cross over pipes. So PAS made a special adaptor that bolted on the converter then mounted the front pipe to it. Funny thing is, the '85-'86 TA's had a four bolt front pipe to the converter. Why they didn't use that pipe I dont know???? Hope this helps.