TTA hardtops

trading t/a

I'm Angry!!!!!
Aug 6, 2001
I know the hardtop cars are rare, does anyone know how many are left in existence? what do you feel is a comparable price of a hardtop v/s a t-top car. To all the guys that own them are the t-top cars that much weaker? Any leaks or body twisting? If a hardtop car cannot be found would it be worth it to swap a beater TTA over to a mint hardtop body? Or will it just destroy another one of these fine automobiles.........:confused:
Its not worth anymore to me, I wouldnt pay extra for it and I dont see any performance advantage at all. Its the Rare thing thats causing them to command a higher price.
I know of 3 hardtop cars on this message board... I have one of the 15 cloth/hardtop cars myself. I didn't specifically go looking for it though-- my friend (second owner) has had the car since 1990 and offered the car to me a little over a month ago because he needed an extra slot in his garage. I bought it because I've always liked the car-- I had my first 1/4 mile ride and drive in it and have always loved the car. I didn't know how rare it was until I started doing some research *after* I bought it.

They do command a slight premium because of the rarity, but not a huge premium unless some die-hard collector has been looking for one for years-- that's about the only time you'll see a hardtop car go for real big bucks. I've got a few offers from people... one such person has a leather/t-top car, cloth/t-top car, leather/hardtop car, and he was looking for a cloth/hardtop car to round out his collection. So far I haven't agreed to part with my new toy, but the latest offer I was given is very tempting...

One thing I have noticed is that the hardtops are stiffer than the T-top cars, and it's a noticeable difference. The flex T-top cars have is nothing that subframe connectors can't fix though. I'm adding subframe connectors to my hardtop also, I don't want the dreaded wrinkle forming at the upper corner of the side windows :rolleyes:
While I havent looked into leather/hardtops(yet)I do know of 5 cloth/hardtops and I belive of the 15 built 14 are thought to still exist while 1 is belived to have been stolen/burned :(

If your looking to modify a TTA and must have a hardtop I'd suggest finding a hardtop GTA and putting a TTA drivetrain into it.It's fairly easy to do and not very expensive scince you'd most likely be rebuilding the motor anyway.

Gokou,if you get a chance to email me I'd love some info on your car - I tried PMing you but maybe I didn't do it right cause I never heard from you.Thanks

I do know for sure that one low mile hardtop/cloth went to Canada............. and when i mean low it´s LOW MILE!
My car has 2500 miles... I'm sure there's at least one cloth/hardtop out there still in the plastic...

Barrett-Jackson I hear has a 190 mile car, but I believe it's a leather/t-top car.
Yep, right Gokou.... still many out there still in plastic......and in all different shapes...... have seen some of them for sale as well.....Geeezzzzzz.... starts to wonder soon if i´m the only one to drive these cars???;)
Dont worry Uffe, I beat the crap out of mine and its over 100K miles now. :D :D

I look at like the 2000 mile cars etc are just waiting for me to buy then in 5-10 years and then I have a brand new TTA to terrorize the streets again with when mine has 300K miles and is all done :D
Heck, I've put more miles on my car more in the last 3 weeks than my friend and previous owner put on it in the last 5 years :p

I didn't buy the car to be a garage queen. I can spend my money on something else to sit around and look shiny, but this is a car. It was made to be driven! I take it out at the very least once a week. I don't plan on really racking up the miles on it either, but I certainly don't intend to let it sit.