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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2001
For those who dont have a place in a heads up race .OR just want to try something new and exciting ....We will be running TPB in North Carolina.
We are working on sponsors but would like to thank Clint for 500 to winner and 100 to runner up plus trophies and prizes.
Few Rules and door to door drag racing with an equal chance for everyone to bring home cash and prizes .
Any questions comments contact me personally at 937-426-4343 or 937-286-4343
LOOKING FORWARD TO IT first time at Nats .
If you would like to sponsor this class contact me also my email address is
Bob Slusser
Like to take a minute to thank the individuals that worked to try to make this a success .
Will be posting Sponsors/Prizes soon

Like to THANK

Clint Turbo, Hartline Performance, and SpoolFool for there generous contributions .

**TPB: $40 - $500win / $100r-up

Hartline $200win / $100r-up

Spoolfool $200win

I know this is something New may or may not catch on, but sincerely thank you for stepping up.Many other goodies to take home!!!!!
Everyone safe travels see you all in a few days

Questions comments call my cell 937-286-4343

Thanks again
So many to thank, I would leave someone out if I started mentioning names.However I Do want to mention Clint Adkins Sydwyndr he worked his Ass off at the track .Also at one time we were under car count and Clint let me Know EARLY dont worry about it WE are in 100% we will make the payout happen!.Ended up with 8 the most of any class with protree other then maybe TAI not sure . We had an AMC Gremlin and a 5.37 TSO style car in the TPB .Unfortunately due to weather the race was called and the cash was agreed to split to the top 3 cars.My race I went out first round with a 6.22 against a 6.28 dial and margin of victory was .009 .For me( I really dont know why) maybe its old age,maybe just being with my son , but i just had one of the best times of my life at the nationals(first time) .I never thought i would like 1/8 mile but it was a blast .We will just have to see what the future brings for the class .We gave something to all racers here. It ended up just like I had in-visioned the class and it was way cool!!! thanks again Shane ,Clint ,Richard ,Cal,Brian,Spoolfool ......OH Shit said I wasn't going to do that ..Thank you everyone !!!
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Hey big guy- Its your worst night mare Lol. I got an ideal- let the finalist run off in Bowling Green for the trophys- at least one of them belongs the me- Lol

Haulz A
Hey big guy- Its your worst night mare Lol. I got an ideal- let the finalist run off in Bowling Green for the trophys- at least one of them belongs the me- Lol

Haulz A
Not a Bad Idea but 2 things not sure they are letting us run yet in BG and not sure everyone is coming .Pretty sure Chad is coming.That is a great Idea I would love it to have a winner and runner up .That was a Drag Race !!!
I would love to run this class at BG. my only problem is that my car only will run 11.40's. Maybe there's a way?
dont think they are running this class at BG last I was told there are to many classes Checking now I do know the Race at Gateway will be running it if enough cars but I will not be able to attend that race
dont think they are running this class at BG last I was told there are to many classes Checking now I do know the Race at Gateway will be running it if enough cars but I will not be able to attend that race
Just let me know if there running the class in BG as soon as you find out something. I would love to win one of those trophy's you spend all that time designing. LMOA

Haulz A