Turbo Buick Radio Broadcast 3/22/11


Dec 6, 2009
{sorry for the late posting but I was advised to move this to this section}

Hey guys, I just returned from one of my favorite supply houses (Highway Stars) in Gurnee, Il. I hope that this is ok to post in this section. With respect, I figured it deals with technical issues. FYI I do not work for Highway Stars, I just buy a lot of parts from them and they are local. I just thought that this could really help some of us out.

I'm close to getting the GN back on the road and looking good so I had to pick up some last minute parts.

Anyways, Glen from Highway Stars told me that he is going to be doing a radio broadcast strictly on Turbo Buicks. He has some pre-asked questions that he will be addressing. May be worth checking out. If you are interested, follow the info below. Remember it's tomorrow night at 7pm CST.

1) On March 22nd at 7:00 pm CST click this link: WRLR 98.3 LP-FM RadioActive ((( /x\ )))
or type it into your Web browser

2) Click on "Live Video feed" and click PLAY> (See instruction below)

3) Sit back, WATCH & LISTEN LIVE

Well, Im assuming this will go over very well. There should be a lot of information concentrated towards some of the most asked questions in the Turbo Buick community.

Summer is coming
See you guys at some car shows soon,
