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Turbo Link,harness,Laptop and inverter


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Dec 6, 2004
This just came with a TT/A I just bought. 200.00 for everything listed plus shipping.

1) IBM ThinkPad 600c. This has a
> color
> > screen and a Pentium 2 processor
> > (233Mhz?). It has a fresh copy of Windows XP
> loaded on
> > it now. It works fine, but the battery
> doesn't
> > hold a charge for more than a short time. I
> recently
> > replaced the cmos battery which holds the
> date/time. I
> > also included a floppy drive in an external case
> that
> > hooks up on the side or back of the laptop. I
> think
> > you can swap it with the cd drive to make it
> internal.
> > There is a ac/dc adapter to plug it into the wall.
> >
> > 2) DC/AC transformer so you can plug the laptop
> (or
> > any other AC device) into the car's cigarette
> lighter.
> > Keeps the laptop running while your using it or
> > charges it from the car's battery. Don't leave it
> on
> > for an extended period without running the car.
> >
> > 3) Turbolink software, interface cable and engine
> > harness. The software is installed on the laptop.
> The
> > interface cable hooks up to the laptop's serial
> port
> > and then to the car's OBD-I diagnostic port under
> the
> > steering column (just to the right). The engine
> > harness hooks up in a couple of places. The sensor
> > does not get plugged back in but is not really
> needed.
> > a) Unplug the "Inlet Air Temp" sensor (at the air
> > filter) and plug the harness in here instead -
> this
> > sends the turbo readings to the computer.
> > b) unplug the "Throttle Position Sensor" and plug
> in
> > the harness, then plug the harness back in to the
> > sensor - the sensor is inline. Sends TPS readings
> to
> > the computer.
> > c) unplug the "Mass Air Pressure" sensor and plug
> in
> > the harness. Sends MAP readings to the computer.
> >
> > There should be instructions in the box just in
> case.
> > The software acts like a mini-diagnostic center
> and
> > will provide all the normal info (speed, oil
> press,
> > water temp, tps, o2 sensor, fuel map location,
> turbo
> > pressure, vacuum readings, etc.) You can record
> them
> > and play back later. They have a website
> > TurboLink™ - A Brain Scan for Your Vehicle!
> >
> > The system is usable on any GM OBD-I vehicle
> > (generally 80's thru 93). The engine harness is
> > specific to the TTA.
> >