turbo motion or 87 conversion

85 TR

Sep 19, 2001
I am planning on getting a turbomotion kit this winter, new turbo , injectors ,ecm and all that fun stuff.

I got ahold of a guy around my area that has a low ten second 87 T and a performance shop and he told me that this is not the way to go.

I was told to move the turbo up front and i had thought of it before. Anyone ever done this before and if so how hard was it and what parts did you have to get( 87headers,intake , throttle body, intercooler,new up/down/crossover pipes,pipes to the intercooler).

This guy told me that throttle response would be horrible with the TM kit and i would have a hard time building unuff boost. Is this true with the TM kit i thought not but just making sure.
This guy obviously has never seen a TM kit. Everything he said is NOT true, just his BS opinions. It will spool no different than your car does now.
i'm guessing this is more "fallout" from the long standing rumors about the spearco kit.most people i have talked to about it have said the same thing about throttle response and a bad idle.

i can tell you first hand that is a crock,as my car idles better than it ever has and spools up great.

it appears that the tm kit has fallen into this mythical category as well.as was said before,it's just not true.both kits work as advertised,and the tm kit is working well for quite a few folks here on the bb.

I've heard only good things about the TM kit. If I had the money I'd buy it in a second, the gains are said to be amazing. It's probably cheaper than doing what the '87 guy suggested also (new everything). If you've got the money, talk to Jay (he left his phone number in another recent post), he'd love to hook you up. Also there's a group purchase going on (I think it's still going on?) for sometime in october. If you're serious about the kit, search for the thread about the group purchase and get in touch with the guy running it -- you'll save a nice chunk of change too.

That guy you talked too is full of BS. I think some of these 86/7 guys are as bad as the V8 guys that say "put a v8 in and you will go fast".

The throttle response on my car is WAY better than my friends 86 (its like a Small Block Chebby). I can build boost just as fast as anyone else. Now that I found why I wouldnt go over 21psi will try it at 25psi at the track this weekend.

I have the TM IC Kit.
Thanks for all the responses so quickly i figured this was not true but wanted to see what you guys said. I was thinking about the gruop purchase and i have unuff money but dont know if my car is ready.
All that is done is whats listed below and an electric fan. I figured i should get a scantool first and a bigger turbo with some bigger injectors?

Could i possibly buy the kit and install it the way my car is and then work on the other stuff , would my car run ok?

thanks for the replies
It's funny when people put things down they have no knowledge or first hand experience with. When it comes to the conversion, you either have to do it all or nothing. There is no way to just put the turbo up front, it's been tried. The TM kit is cheaper than a conversion and will put you way ahead of a stock IC car. The intake should flow into the 10s.
I got all of the parts to convert my 85 to 86/87 for $500, so it was cheaper, otherwise I would go with the TM kit.
I just would like to thank all of you guys for standing up for what you know to be true. I thank you! If those accusations from that 10 sec guy were true I would never have sold a kit to any one. If it did not perform well after all the testing we did I just would have pulled the plug on the the idea.
In fact the first way it was designed the TB was still on the turbo. I sold 6 kits to people who knew it was untested but liked the idea. We happened to be the first to test it and found that it did not idle. O boy what to do now? Dave and I figured out a few problems one was that the TB had to be moved. The kit became 300.00 more at that point. Each person who bought one was asked to pay 100.00 (they did not have too) and I ate the 200.00 per kit. Plus the time it took to convert them all over.
The reason I bring this up is to give a little insight to how hard we worked to make this a nice product that has had some very good results.
Well thanks again I really do appriciate you all!
Originally posted by 85 TR
Could i possibly buy the kit and install it the way my car is and then work on the other stuff , would my car run ok?

I think it would be ok, but I would do some fuel mods first. Like a new fuel pump, and hot wire it, and also a adjustable pressure regulator. You will need these even if you go with the bigger turbo first.