Dec 25, 2001 #1 G GN84Turbo Where'd all my money go? Joined May 28, 2001 Messages 168 Are pictures available for this yet?? What is the cost on it? Who do i contact to purchase it?? has been down for months...
Are pictures available for this yet?? What is the cost on it? Who do i contact to purchase it?? has been down for months...
Dec 25, 2001 #2 N Nocooler Had a Hotair Joined May 31, 2001 Messages 750 This is what you are looking for As far a ?'s call Jay @ 941.228.3136
Dec 27, 2001 #3 T Twins Wanna Trade Eyeglasses ? Joined May 25, 2001 Messages 276 Whew Man the engine compartment looks pretty rough on that car. Thanks Nocooler....I need to see the beast every once in awhile to remember that I still own a GN. Now that it has become the Caprices bitch. 12 + inches of snow, and bald DR's.....looks like it will be sitting a little bit before the SMC goes on. Got a laptop for Ryan over think T-link or direct scan....I would like to use it on the hot-air ecm in dad's car to. Later.
Whew Man the engine compartment looks pretty rough on that car. Thanks Nocooler....I need to see the beast every once in awhile to remember that I still own a GN. Now that it has become the Caprices bitch. 12 + inches of snow, and bald DR's.....looks like it will be sitting a little bit before the SMC goes on. Got a laptop for Ryan over think T-link or direct scan....I would like to use it on the hot-air ecm in dad's car to. Later.