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Turbo Porsche from a 15 MPH Roll


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Jun 7, 2001
Went out "hunting" last night to see if I could run into something to try out the new TE-44 with. After cruising around for 15 minutes, constantly looking around and in the rear view mirror, I spot something that looks rather small beating the crap out of a Civic a few blocks behind me (I know it was a Civic because I had passed him earlier). I Slow down and wait for it as it cruises by me. I look inside and he had an Aftermarket gauge on his A pillar (assuming it's for Boost). I run into some traffic in front as he takes off lightly. As I look to switch over to his lane, the civic is there, slowing down and Flashing his lights at me, as saying, "Go get that basterd". I switched over and chased him down, but there was some traffic. He was now on the right lane and I was on the left. He would get on it and let off to let me hear his external blow off valve. It looked like to be an 86ish 944 turbo with the "Turbo" badge in the back in cursive. It definitely had an aftermarket turbo and a BOV cause it was pretty loud (IMO. I'm no Porsche expert). The road becomes a one-lane road, ending due to a canal. There was a right turn and a left turn. I watched him in my rear view as he went to the left lane and I did the same. Luckily, I was the first at the light and he was behind me. The left turn signal comes on, I slowly turn into the farthest lane on the road and wait for him to get to my left. As he comes up to my door, he nails it and I follow a second later. Instantly, I pull 1 car on him and stretch it into 2 by 65mph, where I see him shut down, and I do the same. He knew he didn't have a chance. The road becomes VERY rough due to some construction, so I wait to see if he wants to chat but he acts like he's talking on his cell phone and doesn't even put his window down. At the next light, I'm just cruising when he suddenly jumps in front of me and takes off down this ridiculously bumpy road that I just wanted to get off of. He must have done 100mph easily, for no reason at all cause I wasn't going to chase him. I eventually roll up next to him a few lights down, but still, he wouldn't even look my way. SORE ASS! I turned around and called it a night.

BTW, I was in full street trim with only 15psi. I love this turbo.

cool man...everyone in a porsche thinks they are the sh!t and are too good to talk to you...i get the same thing from corvette owners too...they never look my way! FEAR the darkside;)
Thanks Guys.

Don, I can't stand people like that. I WISH I would have lined up next to him at a red light. I would have blown the doors off that thing. Their nothing wrong with a "Dang man, you got me". I've done it once or twice. No big deal right. You can't win them all.
bad manners

i agree to i have lost a couple it only made me tune my car up more so i would not let it happen again.:D :cool:
I was talkin to a guy at work today about cars an stuff. He used to have an 11sec Charger an a Hemi-Cuda. He even knew what mine had in it:eek: So he knows his cars.....anyway, I was tellin him how TR's could demolish a turbo porshe, and he was like "Probably the older ones, but the new ones are Viper fast"

:confused: I guess he thinks the Viper is the fastest thing around or something. Kinda wish I had the GNsVsViper video to show him. Oh well, nice kill dude, so much for all the $$ he spent on his porshe:rolleyes:

Great kill guy, show em who rules the road.:D
Question though, is that 44 Turbo getting along with your set-up pretty good and does it spool up pretty fast & are the street manners pretty good? I'm looking to upgrade from my Stocker to either a 44 or 51 but ya know don't want to go to big though. Get back.

To Buick Beginner:

Thanks dude, but I already have it saved on the hard drive. I'd show it to him but I dont think I could explain the laptop to my boss, especially on a construction site;). I'll keep telling him all the cars TR's can beat, but he doesnt realize the power of the 6. Never met a person like that before:rolleyes:

Heh heh, on an unrelated note, someone at the car show tonite said "I didnt know they made a turbo Monte".....gggrr
Re: To Buick Beginner:

Originally posted by BlackBuick84
Heh heh, on an unrelated note, someone at the car show tonite said "I didnt know they made a turbo Monte".....gggrr
Believe it or not, but they did. Back in the very early eighties, I think for two or three years, the turbo 3.8 was an option for the Monte. Of course this was before SFI and I think, but not sure so no flames please, 1982 was the last year they were produced. Just another one of those stupid little tid bits stuck in my strange brain.

turbo monte

oh yeah, i saw one on ebay a while ago. Looked even weirder than the setup on my car.:D

I would have to agree with those who say that the TE-44 is the best Turbo for those with stock heads and Intake. Quick spool up from a dead stop and from the roll, and low 11 sec capabilities with the right stuff. I can blow the tires away from a dead stop with no problem and I have 28" tall tires (275/60/15). I couldn't imagine how bad it would be with 26" tires. I still haven't taken it above 15psi !

I would defiantly recommend this Turbo to anyone with a basically stock set up.

Thanks for the recommendation, my only concern about the 44 was whether or not it spooled up quickly from a stop, always good to get a first hand account from someone who has what your considering..
