Turbo Rebuild (fc227)

I'll be there even if I have to run the chevette :)

See you next weekend , God lord willing.
It's alive ;

Just got though replace the turbo , And she came back to live again. :)
I'll be very interested in how the rebuilt turbo works....
I used them for me wastegate act. Have be very happy with their service so far.
Well , I just pulled a spark plug to see whats happen in side the engine.

And No more ash deposits, It's ideling a little rich , But we can fix that.

Haven't had a chance to get to the track yet , Lack of funds & it's suposse to rain tomorrow.

2 weeks , thats the target date. :) (God willing).
Dad went 4 rounds on opening day, so he's pretty happy. We did get rained out last week and this week we were off. He's on a road trip for mother's day, so I guess I'll be there by myself. Got the Skylark fired up today on water saturated, 8 month old methanol, but it sounded pretty good. I have a "slight" oil leak, but Jeg's is 2nd daying a new AN fitting that should be here by Friday. See ya at the track! Greg
Hi Greg;

I seen the L.V.D. wed site and seen your dad went 4 rounds. Thats good news .

Glad you got the car running, I'm going to try to show up sunday weather and $$$$ permitting.

Wife just got a job job at Stop & Shop , shes been out of work for 5 months now , It's hurting the race budget. :(

We will see. Hopefully sunday :)

I don't even have the alky injection dailed in yet . I'm going to run race fuel to get a base line. I looking for a EGT gauge and probe. So I can tune it.

Hope to see you sunday