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Turbo Thunder 2009


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9sec 17MPG Street Car
Staff member
Sep 24, 2001
After 10 to 15 calls over the last year i have a date for this years TT at Pacific Raceways - Where The Excitement Is Accelerating.....For The Entire Family! ;) The old manager is gone and they have a new guy that just started last week so i played alot of phone tag.:rolleyes: The date is July 12th and its going to be at night with the gates opening at 4:00Pm and racing at 5:00Pm:D I believe our race and a normal bracket race is all that will be going on that night so we should get alot of runs. Friday nite is test and tune with the gates opening at the same times. Its the best i could do during that time of the summer they dont have day time races because the road course is being used during the day time. I hope this works for everybody:cool: We can still camp out friday night after test and tune:cool:

Dates are July 10 test and tune and July 11th Turbo Thunder...
July 12th is a Sunday. Is that right or did you mean test 'n tune Friday, July 10th and race on Saturday, July 11th?
"You mean I might have to finish putting my car back together!"

I second that - then again if we did then it would be a tag-team whippin up on Dan.....:biggrin:

Mike - Phantom GN - I'll believe it when I see ya pull up to me.:rolleyes:

Josh - you're gonna have to put in a roll bar to beat my 11.5x street tire, show winning, microsoft forza motorsports featured, kid haulin to krispy kreme, finely tuned SINISTR wild thing.:cool:

...another case of I'll believe it when I see ya actually have your GN running and figure out how to tune it:D
Dan - I'll take it easy on you and keep the "phantom" part alive and well so you only have to deal with Josh whippin ya.;) I'll just match you $for$ on what you paid Geno to un-do the detune on Josh's car. :biggrin: If it gets to be too much you can bring the lawn chairs and polishing towels and specate. :p

Ahhh...yes winter is finally over the spring time smack talking is rollin along. :cool:

See, good things can happen when you show up with a GN and actually race unlike the other two yahoos who can't even get their POS roadworthy

Ouch - I thought POS meant Parting-Out-SINISTR :biggrin: That way you could set up and give Josh a run to 1/2 track. :)

Mike - "phantom g.n." A.KA North end Buick parts horder. :cool:
Hey gene, your email address doesn't seem to be working. I need to pick your brain.
camping on sat night?

So you can camp on fri night, what about sat night?

So far we are going to bring Fierro and the Datsun with new motor and funds keep me from racing mine this year.
So you can camp on fri night, what about sat night?

So far we are going to bring Fierro and the Datsun with new motor and funds keep me from racing mine this year.

They said no problem
So they told you only fri night I want to make sure I get this strait. Or fri and Sat.. :confused: