Fill out the order form and you will receive what you want. If you have questions or want to discuss your setup, post here and Eric and other experienced buick people will be happy to post thoughts and answers.
do you think 60 lb. injectors are the way to go? basically street car but would like to have some fun! what about chip should i let them design? new to this !!! Help !!! Eric feel free to call me 443-309-0115 Thanks!
do you think 60 lb. injectors are the way to go? basically street car but would like to have some fun! what about chip should i let them design? new to this !!! Help !!! Eric feel free to call me 443-309-0115 Thanks!
60s should carry you very far. You could easily go low 12s with e85; even faster than that if you stick to gas and meth injection. The 60s eric sells work great with stock stuff.