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TurboBuick app upgrade crashing


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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2001
My Droid Razr Maxx just upgraded the TurboBuick app and now it crashes whenever I try to use it. I am running Android 4.0.4

Any suggestions?

yep do what i did.... uninstall it. then re-download from the play store.... hth

I upgraded to the latest version and it worked for a while. It stopped working and I uninstalled and reinstalled it. It came up but when I try to login I get the error "The remote server sent an unknown response. This could be the result of the forum software plugin outdated or having a conflict".

I upgraded to the latest version and it worked for a while. It stopped working and I uninstalled and reinstalled it. It came up but when I try to login I get the error "The remote server sent an unknown response. This could be the result of the forum software plugin outdated or having a conflict".


I'm getting the same remote server message.
Im having several issues as well. Had to remove and reinstall like others. Now new app gives error reports. Also, where before I could look at new posts or searches and then hit back arrow and i would be on the page where I left off. Now i have hit refresh and start back at the beginning and scroll all the way back through to where i was. Also the "load more threads" option doesnt always pop up either have to refresh for that as well. This is on my android....worked fine before??
I had two upgrades in one week, but mine is working fine.

Edit: Having issues now. Reloaded twice
I can access the site with the new upgrade, but I cannot login. When I try to login I get the remote server error, so I can't post.

You dont have to remove it. All you have to do is go into Applications and clear the cache on Android.

I updated the plugin over the weekend.. far as I can see, its working fine.
Tried clearing the cache and still got the remote server error when trying to log in. Uninstalled, and downloaded and reinstalled and I am still getting the remote server error.

You dont have to remove it. All you have to do is go into Applications and clear the cache on Android.

I updated the plugin over the weekend.. far as I can see, its working fine.


Starting with Saturday...... People with the iPhone are having issues. Here is a image of the error I get after I try to sign in.
Getting same
Cleared dice
Unistalled and reinstalled dice
Also restarted phone a few dice
I have a support ticket in with Forum Runner over this. Just waiting for them to get around to it.

Here's a quick "Whats going on" synopsis of what got us in this situation.

Originally I wanted to go with TapATalk which is pretty much the forum standard however their fee structure was nuts. It would have cost us close to $5000 to get going for IOS and Android and that did not include any future updates, just a one time "Here's your apps" and if you wanted them updated as they added new features, it cost money every time.

I know the guy who developed Forum Runner. We go back a long ways and I thought since he and I were friends that support would never be a problem. Initially that was true. However, about 2 months after we came on board, he sold the software to Internet Brands.. the same people who bought and ruined vBulletin. They are the reason we are no longer running vBulletin. Well, now Forum Runner is getting the same shitty treatment.

Im exploring a couple of possibilities at this point. Im really not sure what to do but Ive gone back to Tapatalk as I heard they have restructured their branded app pricing structure. It sucks to keep switching because A) It costs money and B) Things always look great from the outside until you get into them and then it usually goes to hell in a handbasket.

This forum software is a perfect example. This was THE new thing and the tech demo was GREAT. By far at this stage in development this is the most advanced forum software out there. But what happens as soon as we come on board? The authors get sued and development comes to a stop. So now we're playing the waiting game here too to see if the lawsuit is going to get dropped or the Xenforo authors prevail (Which they should). And guess who the one suing them is? The same people that ruined Forum Runner and vBulletin.. our old friends Internet Brands.. who by the way, have tried to buy this place before and we said NO.
All better

Please let me know if you're still having issues but we should be good to go.
Thanx Jay. Only issue is if I go into the recent posts and scroll through the wall and or pages in and then view a thread and then go back it starts me at the beginning again. The old setup didnt and you would be right back where you were.
Thats not something I have any control over. The app does that. There is an update (AGAIN) in the Play Store if you're on Android. Im not sure whats added/fixed but you might want to grab it. I just saw it this morning.
Yea.. the error is now isolated to logging in. Ive updated my support ticket with Forum Runner.
Mobile app post test