TV cable adjust by press?


Never Enough!!!
Apr 6, 2002
Hey Bruce any insight on how you go about adjusting it by using pressure gauge as you guide. If the procedure can be explained in a relitively short typing session? Thanx,

Problem is what you are reading is mainline pressure and what determines tv is tv pressure which is regulated by tv limit. So we target 115-135 and if tv is not close in relation to mainline I go back in and adjust till I got it where I want it. It is no fun and can piss you off sometimes but this is THE ONLY way to make perfect. Yes it sucks but so does the price of race fuel, but we do that anyway, huh?on a stock never been touched trans I would set tv to about 80 psi at idle and go from there. Every car will be a touch different. Hope this answers the question.... :D
