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uninstalling my alarm ?? over my head??


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May 25, 2001
I bought my GN with an ungo alarm that the previous owner installed. Not sure how old the alarm is. But when he installed it he was really sloppy. there are wires running all over the place under my dash. I have had it disconnected since I bought the car and now jsut want to get the stupid thing out of my car and clcean up alll the wiring. the thing is, I have never done this before. I started to pull wires off and disconnect wires that ran to the alarm boxes, but I stopped thinking that I am in way over my head. nightmares filled my head of me totally botching up my cars wiring. Is it straight forward to uninstall these?? should I just bring it to a shop and have them do it?? or should I just start pulling wires?? Will I be okay if I just systematiclly trace and remove every wire that runs to the alarm modules, I believe there are three boxes. one under my seat, a larger one below the dash, and a little smaller one under the dash. the alarm also had automatic locks in it. How hard is it to remove this?? Please let me know if this is something that I can handle, or if I could really mess up my wiring. thanks alot for your info.
Originally posted by trbogn
Will I be okay if I just systematiclly trace and remove every wire that runs to the alarm modules

Yes it will be OK. Just disconnect the main battery or the main power wires for the alarm and start disconnecting them one at a time. Thats the same way I have removed old car alarms for years, just make sure that you reconnect the original factory wiring back together if an alarm wire was spliced into it.
ok, that sounds easy enogh. but what I am worried aobut is a factory wire coming directly into one of the alarm modules and me not knowing that it is a factory wire that serves a purpose, and just cutting it, or not knowing where the other end is to splice it back together. sO most of the wires from the alarm will just be spliced into the factory wiring?? that sound be easy enough to dig through. Do you have a general rule for differentiating factory wiring from the alarm wiring?? thanks. I guess it would be easier if I knew generally how an alrm is connected into a car. does anyone have install instructions for a turbo regal??? thanks alot.
adam isadore
On a GN about the only wire I can think of that would have to actually be cut and spliced is the starter (12g purple) wire. Every other wire, the alarm should just be attaching to. Meaning the factory wire(s) were never cut. Should be relatively easy. Oh for the old days of installing alarms in 80's GM cars!!! Those were the days!!!!