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Abnormally Aspirated
Oct 18, 2003
This one is bizarre. I pull next to a white late-model Camry with a thugish looking kid in it who thinks hes the man. He sees my beast and gives me a "hard" look like I better watch out for him and his cool car.

So, we get to a light and just for fun I rev my car a little and look over. He looks like he is serious about whuppin me so I give him a two car length head start off the line then gun it ahead of him to about 55 MPH -- about two car lengths. I slow down because the speed limit is 35 and I am not looking for a ticket. The kid, slouched low in his seat, flys ahead fly-by style and then slows down. He then puts his flashers on to signify his apparent victory. He (probably) then went home and called his friends and told them he beat this mean-looking black car with his 17 second Camry. Oh my...