Update on toasted thrust bearing

Black Demon

Brick Maker
Oct 27, 2001

Pulled engine earlier this week. After the tear down and close examination the answer to the bad thrust bearing was staring at me. The #1 cap and #3 cap had the arrows pointing to the front of the block. The #2 was pointing toward the tranny:mad:

The engine was assembled 2 years ago by a "TR Buick specialist" in the Atlanta area. Immediately after picking up the car I had to replace the oil cooler O-ring and a leaky intake gasket. This fix is going to require a lot of time, money and effort. I intend to post the name of the mechanic in the bad guy list after I have a chance to speak with him and show him the pictures of the mess he made to my engine (after charging close to $3000 for the rebuild).

Oh well, at least I know it will be done correctly this time.

Glad to here you found the problem but that sucks about the builder. That is terrible!! Just plain Greed!! I am going thru the same type situation with my tranny.
Hows the crank look? Let me know if I can help.

Tim Cucci
Im no engine builder. Can you please tell me what the arrows mean and which way do they go.

Thanks in advance

Crank was in good shape. Bearing took brunt of damage. Billy is going to check measurements and call me next week. It was Stnd/stnd!! Woo-hoo!!

Chris - This is my first time in a Buick engine and the main bearing caps are numbered with a "stamped" numeral and on the opposing side is a directional arrow. The no. 1 cap has 1 arrow, no 2 has 2 arrows ie....

1 ^

2 ^^

3 ^^^

My number 2 cap was turned the wrong way: Engine machinist just shook his head and said it is a wonder it lasted as long as it did.

I hate this for you Mike! But glad it was caught early enough so that further damage and $$ may not be necessary. I'd do the same as you after you confront the "specialist". You did take pics didn't you of the incorrectly installed main bearing cap? I know who did your work and I wonder if he'll deny even working on the car since issueing receipts or records doesn't seem to be a standard business practice of his? Hope to see the Black Demon back on the road soon.