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Vacuum Brakes and TC Lockup


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John Larkin

Sublime Master of Turbology
May 25, 2001
As would be par for the course, I went to the Nats and experienced mechanical problems.

First, my PowerMaster brake switch went bad intermittently. I borrowed one to get home on (big kudos to BlackCar for having a spare one) and will now convert to vacuum altogether. Just tired of the money pit. My question is: Can I tap the back of the upper plenum for a vacuum signal? I really don't want to use a TTA vacuum block because I just don't like the way it looks with the hose coming over the side of the engine. Several people at the Nats felt I could do the plenum thing but I'd like an opinion from someone who may have already done this or something similar. I also got a comment that I wouldn't be able to hold as much boost on the starting line with vacuum. Any comments there as well?

Second, on the way down the TC didn't lockup. I was running 2350 rpms in 4th gear. On the way home, I was running 2100 rpms in fourth gear. This is at the same speeds of around 72mph. The car never got hot, fluid never smelled burnt, had plenty of power, cruise control worked and would release with a touch of the brake pedal, etc. It just didn't lockup. Freaky but true. Matter of fact, on the way home, I tried touching the brakes on the highway and the rpms didn't jump up the traditional 200 or so like you normally would see on the tach. Surely this wasn't related to the PM brake switch, since after I changed to the good one I came home and experienced the lower rpms on the highway (and that's all I changed)? I suppose I should consult gnttype wiring diagram and test the TCC wiring. I didn't force a lockup on the way down by jumpering the ALDL because I didn't want to potentially goof up. :eek:

Check the switches under the dash that the brake pedal comes in contact with. I had the same problem and I thought that it was the stop light switch(the one with two seperate 2-wire connectors) but it ended up being the other white switch next to it that wasn't making proper contact(it was mis-adjusted). Check it out.
Fixed via several emails back and forth from Steve Wood and pending a test drive. It was the pedal switch I do believe. Thanks for the reply Mark; glad to see you made it home.
If you do go Vacuum,,what I did was to place a "T" in line just before the PCV valve,then run the hose along the fire wall to the vac booster,,cant even seee it