video: did he have a gun or not? you be the judge!

Boy-oh-boy.....If this weren't really happening, it would be hilarious. Now Al Sharpton is in town rallying the troops to boycott and protest. Expect to see Cochran and Jesse soon. They are saying he was trying to hand the phone to the officers!!! How can someone make such an ignorant statement, even if it is to further his own political cause?
Thats just crazy....yeah I was running from the cops but I had to stop and give them my phone first.....:rolleyes:
I find it so offensive that so many of you here are so seemingly happy that he died. Is life so worthless to you that it is ok to judge someones life for the last 30 seconds of it that you see in a videotape? This whole thing is a tragedy of tremendous proportions. EPIC. Now on top of all the grief the family has, Sharpton comes down there to fan the flames of hatred. It is this division that the racist black leaders feed to members of their own community that empowers them to "speak" for their own. They keep their "people" down to empower themselves for their own personal satisfaction. Power is a drug, a very powerful and addicting one at that!

Look past the immflammatory remarks and think about the fear in that boys mind as he ran about in that video. To do so, you must think in the same mindset that he was operating under. "If I lay down to submit, they are going to beat the crap out of me and I'm going to jail for a long time." The justice system is regrettably stereotyped. The mindset of the young black male is stereotyped with the words of people like Al Sharpton and Johnny Cochran who espouse that the black man is ALWAYS going to be screwed over. It is a self fullfilling prophecy.

Wanna know how to eliminate this behaviour and prejudice? Be kind to each other. And to those of you who will belittle or minimize what I'm saying here, you will suffer the fate you sow. Hate begets hate and love reaps love.

Some of the above comments are so callous. This young man was a real person with people who loved and cared for him. He was once a little baby boy with proud parents who doted over him. If you think he was just a thug, take a look at your own children and imagine someone saying the same thoughts about them. Open up your heart to kindness and compassion. It is sad to even hear this stuff.
lets see you hit a cop that has a gun pointed at your head ...most likely he dont plan to stop on his own

I guess hitting the cop was part of handing him his phone :rolleyes:

we just went thru the same crap out here over a black woman being shot by police after she ran from them ramming cop cars with her car then when they went to get her out the car she drags a cop hung in her door and another officer took a shot and she died

while all that was going on with protest and stuff a white guy did nearly the same thing and was shot and killed and sharpton and all the other racist leaders said well we're sorry to hear that but we're tied up on this case right now and cant comment on that case :rolleyes:
A very compelling piece. We should look at any loss of life as tragic. Esp. if it was preventable.

Now I thought it was a gun, and I watched the video 10 times. Perhaps we should have your wife/girlfriend watch the video and pretend you are one of the officers. Would she want you to fire, or take a chance and maybe live?

Who among us is willing to risk our lives for a total stranger?

Most officers that take a life have emotional problems for the rest of their lives. A high percentage must quit their chosen career afterwards.

A terrible thing, an many levels, but I can't place blame on the officers involved.

Sharpton must have seen this video. To place blame on the officers, then stir up unrest is not just counter productive to race relations, but it shows him to be a man willing to forsake his own sense of justice to bolster his status as a Black leader. The black community deserves better than to be led by this Pied Piper...
Nashty.....You live in a rose colored world, my Buick brother. Everything you say would be nice in Utopia, but this is the real world. He CHOSE to run from the cops. He CHOSE to not stop for the cops. He CHOSE to jump out of the car with a cell phone and wave it around like a gun at the cops. He CHOSE to not drop it as he was ordered to do so by the cops. He CHOSE to wave it repeatedly and point it at the cops in a threatening manner. They in turn CHOSE to defend themselves and anybody else around as they believed it to be a gun. I for one STAND UP & APPLAUD them!! I can tell you with 100% conviction that I would have done the EXACT same thing under similar conditions. So, if it is all the same to you, I will NOT feel sympathy for him. I will NOT try to imagine his terror as he ran around waving a cell phone like a gun at cops. However, I WILL DEFINITELY feel sympathy for the cops who were forced to make a life and death decision and live with the fact they were FORCED to take a life.
Nashty is living in a liberal tree hugging everybody is a loving person world!!! :mad: Take your but to south Dallas and try to preach your out of touch BS and you'll end up as another statistic and one less democrat to screw up this country!!!!:mad:
Pitbozz and nashty BOTH make compelling points.. They both made me think and somehow I actually agree with both guys.. All I can say that it is a tradegy.. And not good..
Its not a easy world we live in..
I saw the videos from all 3 cars. 2 of them you couldn't tell why they shot him, but the 3rd one it was very clear. He turned quickly with something in his hand in a threatening manner. So my thoughts are they defended themselvesin the appropriate manner.
Any chance someone can post the links to the videos from the other cars?

Personally I think the Officers were in the right. Personally I think it is sad anyone had to die. BUT the officers were doing they're jobs and protecting there own lives.
Originally posted by Nashty
Me, and I would do it because Jesus did it for me.

He did it for a different reason, to take away the sins of man so they may have everlasting life. and He didnt risk His life, He gave it. while risking your life for the sake of another is a noble thing to do, if you think for a second im gonna die for some cracked out drug dealer or drunk bum think again. i do see where you are coming from though.
I agree with Nashty completely. He is anything but out of touch.

I have been to south Dallas, I have spent a good deal of time in south Dallas(Methodist Hospital Area). I have never had a problem with anyone in south Dallas. In fact, one time one of my old girlfriends and I spent an entire evening on the roadside in south Dallas sitting on the hood of my broken down car, after watching Shakespear In The Park, waiting for her parents to pick us up(~10:00 pm to 3:00 am). Alot more people stopped to offer help than ever would in north Dallas.

Also, I would risk my life for a total stranger, without hesitation. I guess some of us just live by a higher standard.

First thing I thought, it's a cell phone. It sure as hell wasn't a gun. Compare it to what you see in the cops hands. Then again, I could have told you it wasn't a gun just from the title of the thread.

Chris Skarzenski
agreed. there are some cases i would risk myself for someone else but some people IMO i would not. a little kid or some old lady or an innocent person, yes, a cracked up speed junkie, no. Sept. 11th was a perfect example of this "higher standard" you speak of.
Look at the video slow. When they first come into view the officer to the right pops off a round right beside his head and misses because the guy turned quickly and jerked him forward. The guy was holding the cell phone with both hands and "aiming" in a way to imitate a gun. That is plain to see. As they get in front of the store, he turns to his left quickly and you see the officer on the left duck. That shows right there the officers fully believe without doubt he is armed. In this case, it is a bad situation with the guy fully intending to mock he has a gun and really doesn't. He should have been an actor because his last performance was a good one. He had me fooled too.
Originally posted by gnturboray
Nashty is living in a liberal tree hugging everybody is a loving person world!!! :mad: Take your but to south Dallas and try to preach your out of touch BS and you'll end up as another statistic and one less democrat to screw up this country!!!!:mad:

Calm down. Your gonna pop a blood vessel. :rolleyes:
I'm not exactly sure where this thread turned into a "risk your life for a stranger" topic or why, but since it is a big issue with some on here let's try to remember the cops who "risk their lives for strangers" every day. The man OBVIOUSLY was acting as if he had a gun. He OBVIOUSLY waved it in a threatening manner. He OBVIOUSLY wasn't trying to give the phone to the cops. And he sure as hell OBVIOUSLY had no intention of surrending. Can you people even begin to see the cops side of this? They did not have the luxury of playing it back 14 times before deciding to use deadly force. The IDIOT made all the choices for the cops and they were FORCED to take his life. And since religion is trying to creep into this, thank GOD there were video cameras rolling or Shreveport would still be burning.
My $.02 on this is, if you run from the cops all bets are off. You've put the ball in your court, what you do with it is your responsibility. You act stupid you get taken down.
I'll keep my opinions to myself, just thought I'd say that it is nice to see that about 99% of you are in support of the cops. That doesnt happen too often, but it's nice when it does....