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Virtual kill..........


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SouthernCal GN

I come in peace....AK AK
Mar 18, 2004
On the way home this evening, and I see a rarity- another GN heading south on the 5 in Tacoma! So, I hang up on the wife (we had been chatting), and cross a few lanes of traffic to give props.

I get next to him, we acknowledge each other, and I step on the gas and let her spool....I pulled over on the freeway, and the other GN pulls over to see if all's OK with me. I find out that this guy, Jeff, has had the car for about a month, and got it from his stepfather for next to nothing!

We pull into a parking lot in Tacoma, and I find out that Jeff is a total newbie. We're discussing his car (130k miles, pretty stock) and mine (roller cam, FMIC, alky, PT-54, etc), when a C-5 Vette pulls into the parking lot. I tell Jeff I'm going to call the Vette out, and see if he wants to play.

So I ask the Vette guy if he wants to run it- he saunters overr, takes a look, and says, "no way, you got a supercharger on that thing!" When I tell him what the car might do, he nearly craps his pants, and tells his friend that 'there ain't no way I'm running that sh#t!!!!!"

In any case, I met a new GN owner, and he has met the power of the darkside........
Kills by intimidation are just as fun as real kills. Plus you save gas!
Got this email from the guy I met last night.....

"I am in the process of learning about the GN and I appreciate the tips. I am glad to know that there is somebody close by that I can BS with about the GN's. I spent about all my $ buying the GN so the rest of the stuff will come in time. I will never forget you asking a Corvette if they want to roll and getting the response, "Hell No!" I look forward to the future GN educations that you can provide me. Like I said I am a little GN ignorant but I am willing to learn."

Nice way to end the day:biggrin:
Haha sounds like you made a real impression on that guy! I will agree with the previous post about kills by intimidation. That happened to me last night. I still havent' had an 'official' kill since I've had my car, but I was out last night with my buddy in the car and this riced out Eclipse crossed the intersection and eyeballed the car big time. He happened to go down the street I needed to go down too, so when I turned down the road, he was pulled over waiting for me! Once he saw me, he shot back out in front of me. So I followed him until we hit a 2 lane road, and I got next to him and he heard the turbo make some noise. After he heard the turbo, he wouldn't look at me, just straight ahead, then promptly took a right and booked it! I'm still waiting to get my first legit kill, my buddies got a '99 M3, I think that could be a good race.
not if you go from a high roll! even the 99s are wicked from highway speeds.

haha, that's a great story. did you give the kid this website? here and is mainly how i learned about these cars before and after i decided to get one. "No way, you got a supercharger on that thing!" rofl.
Yup- turns out we're neighbors (sorta), and his stepdad has seen my beast rolling around the area. Gave him some site info, and wants me to teach him about his car. He's already killed some Rustangs in the area, and wants more...

The guy with the Vette went on and on about how he had an SRT-4 that did mid 12s, and his EVO that he had for a week.......lots of background in turbo cars, but he looks at the turbo and calls it a supercharger:confused: .....methinks he be full o' poo...
That is pretty funny about the supercharger comment, especially since it says turbo on the hood (assuming you have all the badging). Either way it's very amusing.
That is pretty funny about the supercharger comment, especially since it says turbo on the hood (assuming you have all the badging). Either way it's very amusing.

What's a supercharger? I've got a Rochester Quadrajet on mine. :cool:

Oh, and it's only a six, too.