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Voltage regulator for pump????


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Jun 7, 2001
I was wondering if anyone has devised a method for progressively increasing alchy pump speed (voltage) based on various boost levels? Is this something that could be done using the factory map sensor? It would be nice to have the ability to generate a fuel map for our systems that was tuneable. Just some food for thought....thanks in advance!
Yes, works fairly well. I still have more testing to do. But I like what I have seen so far. I use a MAP sensor and have built a PWM circuit that increases Pump Speed has boost increases.
I'm in the works of added a RPM control to it also has engine RPM also increases so will the pump speed. (That part is still on paper). This a analog setup not digital.

I have run 23-25 # on pump gas (93 octane, Mobil) But I was getting some knock. So I backed the boost down to 19-20#.

The problem I have now since I had the Hood Scoop is over 50MPH the scoop is doing it job and is leaning the engine out. I have a draw though carb setup (1979) I’m not Fuel injected.

Weather and Finances permitting I might go down to E-town this weekend for the Buick VS Ford race. To get more testing.
You will have to excuse my lack of electrical intelligence:) . Is there anywhere I could go to learn alittle more on the PWM circuit and how it interfaces with a MAP sensor? I appreciate your reply and thanks for any additional information.