Walbro 340 alcohol pump?

Ron Dona

New Member
Apr 6, 2002
I want to upgrade my intank alcohol(SMC)pump and use a Walbro 340. Has anyone used this pump with alcohol?
Not compatible with alcohol...want an upgrade..do a DIY kit :)

Walbro pump is 90 PSI and 100 bucks..shureflow can make 300 PSI and alcohol compatible 60 bucks..tough choice...
Didn't know Shurflow was an intank pump that I had asked about. Has anybody actually tried a Walbro 340 and found it incompatible with alcohol? Walbro also makes the Ford fuel pump which is considered compatible. I have a spare Walbro so that is the cost is not an issue .
Had my SMC setup a while now works great.Love how the same group of people seem to bash a guys product so they can rant on and on how highly intelligent they are for "designing their own"system.
Unfortunately I've had to listen to you chime in everytime someone wants advice on alky,And the comment is always the same " looky what I did all by myself".Maybe you need a pat on the head,So here it goes.Good boy,Good boy Red now back to the basement to lick your balls. :D :eek:
Originally posted by Red Regal T
Hey, I betcha' even YOU could design your own alchy system............maybe. :D

On second thought, I'm wrong. You only know how to spend $400. :rolleyes: