!!WARNING!! SirCam e-mail virus (safe)

It seems the "SirCam" virus has infected several TurboBuick.com members. Once you get it through e-mail only, it basically sends itself (again by e-mail) to everyone in your address book. Since TB.com members tend to e-mail each other, we seems to be spreading it among ourselves.

Read the thread linked above to find out more, but basically e-mails themselves don't spread viruses, it's the attachments that come along with them.

Don't open any attachements unless you are 100% certain they are safe. The subject line is always different.

Keep your address book small, so if you ever get infected, it won't spread as much.

FYI, I have received about 15 of these SirCam e-mails, but I never opened the attachment. :)
Hey thanks Rich,

I also got that virus with the attachment. Came from a fella named Burke? I e-mailed him about it and his response was that a virus attached itself somehow to his address book. I personally don't know this guy, but he was sincere enough to e-mail me back to zap it.

I wasted this creepy crawler. Unfortunatley though, whoever is in my address book is probably going to get a visitor. So be forewarned guys......anyone who has recieved an e-mail response from me waste any and all suspicious looking attachments!!! :(
Maybe this is pertinent, had to send it out to our client here (work for I/T department). Gave me a ton of headaches here.

Please be advised that the W32/SirCam@MM Virus has been elevated to a "High Risk" level.

This virus attempts to send itself and local attached documents to all addresses found in the Windows Address Book and e-mail addresses found in temporary Internet cached files (web browser cache).

The W32/SirCam@MM Virus is transmitted by opening the attachments within an e-mail message containing the following information:

Subject: [filename (random)]
Body: Hi! How are you?

I send you this file in order to have your advice
or I hope you can help me with this file that I send
or I hope you like the file that I send you
or This is the file with the information that you ask for

See you later. Thanks

--- the same message may be received in Spanish ---

Hola como estas ?

Te mando este archivo para que me des tu punto de vista
or Espero me puedas ayudar con el archivo que te mando
or Espero te guste este archivo que te mando
or Este es el archivo con la información que me pediste

Nos vemos pronto, gracias.