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We have the trans in and it shifts


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Texas, Where are you from
Sep 10, 2002
Well, a little update and some questions on my little overhaul project. I used the .500 and .283 boost and rev boost valves. I got what I think are excellent pressures.

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These are at idle.
It shifts well, but with the gauge on it it seems to have the tv hang and want to start in 2nd gear when I stop at a light. It is exhibiting about 120psi but if I pull it down to first and back to od the pressure will drop to 90psi and it will start in 1st.
I am going to try the ck method of cycling the tv cable to try to clear the hang and don't know what else to try short of dropping the pan and vb to inspect.
It runs out of road before I am able to get a good full throttle shift into 3rd though at part throttle it is nice and firm. I am hoping to take it to the track but haven't made the time yet. End of school and graduation and such has been in the way.
I would like to thank all who helped with suggestions and how-to. I couldn't have done without it.
Tia for any solutions to my high pressure prob.

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