After FINALLY getting my DScan installed, I've been taking a lot of data. On the way to a friend's house I took a WOT run. I had the boost at 17 psi, 93 octane, and let her rip. I got a maximum reading of 6.5 deg of knock retard. That freaked me out, so when I arrived I dropped the boost down 1.5 psi.
Now the thing that bothers me is that at the time I had max knock retard, and the tranny had just shifted into 3rd gear, the spark advance was showing up as 23.5 deg. Now normally at WOT the advance is 20 degrees, and the knock is minimal (under 4 degrees). The chip is a 17 psi/93 octane chip (not sure what make) for the stock injectors. I would assume it's a 20 degree chip, since that's the lowest the spark advance goes. Is this right? Also, would 6.5 degrees of knock at 23.5 degrees advance be the same as 3 deg of knock at 20 degree advance? ie Not a HUGE deal?? If so, does anybody know why the chip and ECM seem to be fighting it out? (chip trying to advance while ECM tries to retard?)
THANKS a lot. I'm very new to this tuning game, so if what I say doesn't make any sense, be sure to let me know
After FINALLY getting my DScan installed, I've been taking a lot of data. On the way to a friend's house I took a WOT run. I had the boost at 17 psi, 93 octane, and let her rip. I got a maximum reading of 6.5 deg of knock retard. That freaked me out, so when I arrived I dropped the boost down 1.5 psi.
Now the thing that bothers me is that at the time I had max knock retard, and the tranny had just shifted into 3rd gear, the spark advance was showing up as 23.5 deg. Now normally at WOT the advance is 20 degrees, and the knock is minimal (under 4 degrees). The chip is a 17 psi/93 octane chip (not sure what make) for the stock injectors. I would assume it's a 20 degree chip, since that's the lowest the spark advance goes. Is this right? Also, would 6.5 degrees of knock at 23.5 degrees advance be the same as 3 deg of knock at 20 degree advance? ie Not a HUGE deal?? If so, does anybody know why the chip and ECM seem to be fighting it out? (chip trying to advance while ECM tries to retard?)
THANKS a lot. I'm very new to this tuning game, so if what I say doesn't make any sense, be sure to let me know