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what fan set up and temps are you running


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Sep 30, 2004
Alright my question is what fan set ups are you guys running, I have the 160 thermostat but I need to know at what temperature should my fans kick on at. I have a single puller fan now but I don't think its doing quite the job, whats the normal for these cars to run when driving down the road, 160 seems really hard to stay at when driving. I have heard the ramcharger set up is the way to go.
My dual fans run all the time on low. I see about 165 most of the time. I think a single fan is up to the job provided the radiator is good.
I just didn't think you would want your fans running all the time, plus I don't have the shroud on mine,.. is this going to be a problem.I've seen guys running without it plus I fugured I wasn't running the factory fan so I didn't need it.The other problem that I maybe running into though is my thermostat doesn't seem to be opening, I can put my hand around the top hose for a couple of seconds..its hot but i can't really feel any water flowing through it, I am going to check it again and I'm going to hook up an electric temperature gauge since I can't really tell what my car is running at right now with the factory gauge. Are the factory gauges pretty accurate????

Just curious any of you guys going to be at Norwalk for the Buick Race Day event.
I used to have a 79 s.c. I dropped in a 160 t-stat and still had the mechanical fan my car ran 160 all the time. Guage seemed to be pretty correct to because I had to have my heater blowing all the time to keep warm in the winter!! DO you have the big radiator? I look at the one for my 87 and it looks like it came out of the one for my 4cyl grand am, get my drift? I would think a single fan would be plenty be it a v6 and all that exposed grille area and underhood room. I'd get your radiator checked.
I am very doubtful about these readings. I believe the ECM gives the most accurate reading thru the coolant sensor. I use an OTC to give me the readings from the coolant sensor.

At best, with the larger radiator, 160 T-stat, OEM shroud and new fan clutch, pusher and puller fans the readings are 170-180 at peak usage.

The temp gauge reads about 180-185, (so much for the gauge's accuracy). :rolleyes:

Just because the T-stat says 160 all that means is that it opens at that temperature. Anyway, I now think these cars perform better peaking at 195. Just my opinion.... :biggrin: