what gears do i need for 9"


New Member
Apr 1, 2004
Running back half car and have a 31x13 tire with a 400 trans 109 block and 76 turbo 500hp at the wheels now and want to run the car in the quarter whaty gear should i run any help thanks mark
Hey,sorry i didnt get back to you Mark,Just got home.
What are you shifting it at?
If you are shifting at 6000 and trying to cross the line there.
3.73s should get you in the 133-135 zone in the 1/4

I would say anywhere in the 3.73 3.90 range with a 9"
Yeah i was hoping to find a set here, a guy has 411 and another has a 488 i think that's too much rpm on that stock block, what do you think cal?