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What I have been up to


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100mi away ready 2 strike
Jun 6, 2007
There have been a few questions as to what I have been up to lately. Haven't had a whole lot of time for the board, work has been crazy. I would like to say to Cal and Holly that I am truly sorry for not being able to make it to Reynolds this year. I always look very forward to seeing everyone there, but as it sometimes happens I just couldn't get away. Between money and being out of town the week before it just wasn't in the cards this year. I am in no way complaining about work or money, I have been blessed in both, however we are in the middle of trying to get out of our house and move to another one. The process is sucking the life out of me and my wife. I had to scale back the race budget this year to just enough to get a trailer and do some minor repairs to the car. It is ready to go, just need some testing and we should be back in the game.

I have been bowhunting and working out alot. Finally decided to get off my a$$ last feb and hit the gym again. I was up around 250 and plateaued, I backed off and started hitting the cardio and cutting and am down to around 238 now. The goal is 260 at 8%bf, gotta ways to go, the pounds come alot harder than they used to.

At any rate it has been a tough year, and I am ready to for it to be over with and to drop this house like a bad habit. Again, to Cal and Holly, and all of my friends around here I apologize for not making the races this year. Have no fear, we will be back. Oh yeah, Randy, man I have put Randy through it this year. If he had hair he'd pull it out, but I took care of that already! Thanks Randy for all the work and attention to the car when my mind was obviously other places. My racing program would be nonexistant without Randy and Don, to both of you guys my apologies!!

Here's some recent pics just to prove I am still alive and the blood is flowing warm through these veins.....


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Woooah... You have been busy my friend. Looking good.
Yep its official now, your starting to be shaped like a uterus in your third picture.. LOL. ;)


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Damn looks like you got results from your hard work. Hope to see ya around soon.
Yeah but it looks like you still have Bird Legs!!! LMAO
I started to send you a PM the other day but figured you were at Reynolds!

Great to see you are still kicking:biggrin:
Damn Scot looks like your SWOLL also :biggrin::eek::biggrin:

Sparky was this pic taken of you at the local JOHN DEER convention? Looks like you have a talent that we were not aware of ..Maybe all that travel time has taken it's toll on you!!!.... lol
LMFAO! You guys/gals are nuts!!!!

Actually the size doesn't seem to deter anyone from trying to fight me. Been in two more here recently with people we were evicting. Luckily the local police/constables were on hand for them or I might have gotten hurt. :biggrin:

I have been cutting back on the size for now, trying to get all the fat off.

And yes, Scot the bird legs are coming around, pushed my squats up to 405 to workout with. I see you and Ty are competing in the annual smokey mt's fitness championship. Good to see you two are pounding the weights 12oz's at a time ;):biggrin:
LMFAO! You guys/gals are nuts!!!!

And yes, Scot the bird legs are coming around, pushed my squats up to 405 to workout with. I see you and Ty are competing in the annual smokey mt's fitness championship. Good to see you two are pounding the weights 12oz's at a time ;)

hahhahahaha now thats funny right there:eek: