What is it like to live in Kentucky

Originally posted by BlownZ
As a transplant from the North East (boston) to the south...Augusta Ga....I can tell you that I wouldn't go back for anything.

The ONLY thing I miss is my parents but they are retired and come down for a month or two each year.

Kentucky will still get snow though...so if you are running from that....keep going south.

People, High property tax, rat race, nasty weather, shall I go on:(
Originally posted by NJTurbo
People, High property tax, rat race, nasty weather, shall I go on:(

Nope...it's what sent me down here too.

My property tax on a stinking little condo was half what I pay for my mortgage here.

Weather is awesome...doesn't snow and in February it's usually 50 or so in the daytime.

I can fish nearly year round...the winter (40s-50s) gets a bit cold when you are at speed in a bass boat.

A 3000 sq foot house on an acre of land can be had for under 200k.

My property tax is less than 1000 dollars.

Shall I go on?

No kidding!!!!

2000 sq ft on a garage, 4+ car attached garaging, sitting on just under 2 acres.
Property taxes, $500, mortgage, less than a grand. Nice people, good roads.
No income tax (but high sales taxes, oh well).
licence plates, 25.00 a year. permanent trailer plates. Very very little snow (never sticks more than a day or so).
No smog checks (if you stay over here on the East side of the state).

What did I leave behind in WI? LOOONNG, Cold winters,
Unbelievable property taxes ($5,000.00+) Both houses appraised the same.
Crumby roads, etc. etc.
Originally posted by BlownZ

Kentucky will still get snow though...so if you are running from that....keep going south.

We don't get that much snow here on average ( about 15" on average ). Matter of fact Central Ky only got about 4" total this past winter. And that was a ¼" at a time. Lousiville got dumped on pretty good though. One storm dumped @ 20" on them earlier in the winter:eek: I think we got some flurries outta that one:D .
our big snow last winter was gone in a few days, the red hot louisville cardinals kept it warm last winter:D
I was on a major road off Rt 231, if forgot the name, it where Best Buys is. I was stopped behind this car, had KY Reg with a guy driving and an older lady as the front pass. The light turned green. The vehicles on right went and the vehicle if front of him went. The car in front of me didn't move so I gave a quick beep. The lady in the passenger seat turned around and gave me the finger.:mad: WTF. I pull up alongside her and she is cursing at me behind a closed window. I motioned to her to roll down the window and let me hear what she is saying. By this time, I got in front of her, crossed over Rt 231 and I had to turn into CVS and her vehicle was behind me. Well....my NYC metro area attitude kicked in :D When I turned into CVS, I stopped in the middle of the road and made a right turn into the CVS parking lot without signalling. You should have seen her, both her arms werre flailing in the car. As she drove by, I waved at her at the same time smiling :D

Said to myself, she must have been on the Rag or menopausing

Billy T.
I live in North Augusta, SC....right across the Savannah river from Augusta Ga.

I bought an 1800 sq ft....3/2 Cape Cod sitting on a 1acre corner lot in a nice subdivision with a 2 car attached heated and air conditioned garage for 130k.


My taxes are about 500 bucks a year....yes a year....not a month like they were in NH.

No state inspection on motor vehicles....sales tax is capped at 300 dollars per vehicle you buy.

It doesn't snow at all. At least it hasn't in the 4 years I have been here. Snowing once a year on X-Mas day would be ok with me but so far...none.

I can ride motorcycles year round with the only two months it gets a touch uncomfortable is Jan and Feb...and even then leather would cure it.

Need I mention the GRITS....the locals will understand....although you and I being married...it doesn't matter anymore....although I married a GRIT.

Summers...are hot....every bit as hot as you have heard about .....but the good news is....you adapt quickly.
Originally posted by DonnieShort
We don't get that much snow here on average ( about 15" on average ).

From a former New Englander...that's WAAY too much snow. ;)
I forgot to add.....cars don't rust here either....at least not even close to the same level that they do in the north.
Blown Z sounds really nice, I have the South in my blood line and really hate the NE. My family was originally from Louisiana, I had a great grand mother who was full blooded Cherokee Indian.

She use to sit on a rocking chair at age 103 and chew chewing tobacco and spit in a cup:eek: I remember thinking she was going to scalp me as a kid:eek:

I am looking to do something VERY SOON before you cannot buy a cardboard box in the US for under 300k:rolleyes:
There are lots of pros and lots of cons.

I work for a big company so I was able to transfer with my job at same pay etc....big plus.

My wife is originally from Augusta too and her family lives there so that is nice. We at least had a small social system in place when we moved here.

The culture is different and race relations is a HUGE issue in some areas and that takes some getting used to.

It took me over a year to decide to do it the first time...it would take me about 40 seconds to make the decision again.
I live in Abingdon, VA which is about 15 miles north of Bristol, Va & Tn. It is in the Appalachians. We do get some snow and cold weather. We are having a cool start to summer. It's about 75 right now. Houses are reasonable. We decided to live on the Virginia side of Bristol where both my wife and I work. The sales tax in TN is 9.5% and in VA its 5.00%. There are some good sized Ford dealerships in this area if you plan on staying with Ford. Let me know if you want more info on this area. We are only 355 miles from BG. We are closer too in that respect to more tracks and Buick events. Let me know.;)

Originally posted by Pressure-Less
I live in Abingdon, VA which is about 15 miles north of Bristol, Va & Tn. It is in the Appalachians. We do get some snow and cold weather. We are having a cool start to summer. It's about 75 right now. Houses are reasonable. We decided to live on the Virginia side of Bristol where both my wife and I work. The sales tax in TN is 9.5% and in VA its 5.00%. There are some good sized Ford dealerships in this area if you plan on staying with Ford. Let me know if you want more info on this area. We are only 355 miles from BG. We are closer too in that respect to more tracks and Buick events. Let me know.;)


Drew you have a PM:cool:
Originally posted by NJTurbo
Blown Z sounds really nice, I have the South in my blood line and really hate the NE. My family was originally from Louisiana, I had a great grand mother who was full blooded Cherokee Indian.

She use to sit on a rocking chair at age 103 and chew chewing tobacco and spit in a cup:eek: I remember thinking she was going to scalp me as a kid:eek:

I am looking to do something VERY SOON before you cannot buy a cardboard box in the US for under 300k:rolleyes:

I knew we had a a lot in common, sounds like my grandmother.
You would like the cost of housing in Alabama, too.
The king is still rocking.
Good seeing at the Nats.
Originally posted by Bobtempest
I knew we had a a lot in common, sounds like my grandmother.
You would like the cost of housing in Alabama, too.
The king is still rocking.
Good seeing at the Nats.

Bob I had a feeling that was you before you even introduced yourself.

Southern Hospitality, it was also nice to meet ya:cool:
Originally posted by Pressure-Less
<snip> The sales tax in TN is 9.5% and in VA its 5.00%. <snip>


Just to clear up a point or two (BTW I lived in VA for over 15 years).

Your comparison doesn't go far enough. TN sales tax 9+% vs. VA's 5%.
However, you should also point out that VA has income tax, we don't.
Oh, and don't forget to tell everybody about VA's personal property taxes. (also, we don't have).

Sorry for the thread theft ;)
You're right TurboDave I did leave out some pertinent factors.
I know TN doesnt have a vehicle inspection like VA does, so we get alot of crappy vehicles on the road that would fail an inspection in VA.
I am retired Military and still decided to live in VA even though TN had no income tax. Even though we are having our Meth problems in southwest Virginia, Tennessee is #1 in Meth production in the nation. That played on my descision being an MP in the Army and wanting to live in a descent area not proliferated by any drug and raise my family at least a little bit out of any drugs long arms. I know you cant hide from drugs but you can help your self and family by trying to protect them as much as you can. Tennessee is beautiful country I just wouldn't want to live there. Sorry about the rant. Just my .02 on living in VA.
I just wanted to add that Missouri has been the #1 Meth producing state for the last four years. I was quoting a Chief in the local law enforcement for VA/TN with that information.
