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what is the EGT temp to shoot for when using alcohol injection?


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May 25, 2001
I just installed my SMC alchy kit and all I can say is WOW! Hardest part was mounting the bottle and the controller..... wiring was the easy part.

I'm running 91 octane and alchy with only an 18* chip for now. 20psi on a stock turbo but with Champion iron heads and 218R cam. THe car pulls awesome and I'm at 1500* at the top of 3rd gear right now? With 116 I used to tune for 1600* on my best runs.

What EGT range should I be in for optimal tune?

I hit 1640F with pump gas mix with GT100 and the alky.

24psi boost and 26*timing. Some KR so I backed it down to 24* timing and the EGT's stayed at about 1610 or so for 2 runs at that setup.

Westach probe mounted 3" or so below the stock O2 sensor in the header.
Very similar results and probe placement here. Around 1600 is pretty much it, though each car is different, and this is only a 'ball park' number.

Though I cannot say for sure, (and this is a guess as I did not catch the exhaust reading on the run that did it) I believe that a 1700* run will melt your turbo. My computer (or esc) went haywire and advanced my timing to 28* during one of the last runs I took before realizing what had happened. The exhaust side blades were melted, as well as the seal.

Timing advance is the real killer, followed by a lean-out condition caused by inadequate fuel delivery. I like SalvageV6's numbers of 24* timing, and 24 psi as max numbers. Going beyond this with 94 octane is too risky IMO.

BTW the propane inj. system was keeping the EGT's in the 1550 range at 22* timing, and approx 23# boost. That's plenty safe. :)
With the alky on max, a 50/50 pump/114 mix, TE44, stock injectors, and a 19* chip, I was tuning for 1600* and the O2's in the high .7xx range. I saw a little KR (1-4 degrees) on the big end, and the car ran the best it ever has!
Joe I would try adding a little water to your mix, if you are running 100% alky, and see if it gets rid of your KR. You dont want that big end knock, that is what slowly killed my HG.
I tried adding water and the car ran like total CRAP! I tried various strengths of water and no-ya. It didn't run correctly again untill the tank was at a 100% alky concentration??? Actually, here all along I've been running the stock heat range plug in an NGK. It wasn't untill a trip to the parts store did I notice in the NGK book that the TR5 is the same heat range as the OE plug. Anyhow, I now have a set of TR6's (1 range cooler) and will try thyem with the mixture and see what happens. Also, those passes were made with the OE injectors. I now have 50's in there and significantly more fuel as I'm sure you well know. This weekend is soposed to be perfect out, so I'll install the TR6's and take it out to my drag strip in the country and see what happens???
turbov6joe, After you get the 50's in, and play around with it, try doing a search on 'Aquamist' in this forum. The postings I have in there might help you, as well as some others...

I had the same problem....
Originally posted by Turbo__Tim
Very similar results and probe placement here. Around 1600 is pretty much it, though each car is different, and this is only a 'ball park' number.

Though I cannot say for sure, (and this is a guess as I did not catch the exhaust reading on the run that did it) I believe that a 1700* run will melt your turbo.

Nope, 1700* won't melt your turbo. :D

BTW the propane inj. system was keeping the EGT's in the 1550 range at 22* timing, and approx 23# boost. That's plenty safe. :)
Now those are good numbers, and a safe bet. :)
Hehe, I always get a laugh when I read your signature, Mark. :)

BTW the egt's were read from the computech meter that you reccomended to me some 3 years ago....

I need to change my signature. I no longer run the pte 51 turbo. The fins on the exhaust side melted after running at 28* timing, (crazy computer did this to me!) with pump gas and propane. I'm thankfull for the o-ring job that saved the head gaskets, and run a 44 series turbo now.