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Old Satyricon is great. Not the greatest sound quality in that video, hard to really appreciate how great Mother North really is. Especially considering he was what, 18 years old or something back when they were writing those earlier albums. They perform as a full live band but the real band as far as writing and recording is only Frost (drums) and Satyr (singing in that video).
I stated before that I hate most newer metal bands. One of the few exceptions is HIGH ON FIRE. Incredible band. Imagine Motorhead sounding darker and angrier.

I stated before that I hate most newer metal bands. One of the few exceptions is HIGH ON FIRE. Incredible band. Imagine Motorhead sounding darker and angrier.


Yeah there great as far as new bands go, what about Shadows fall & Chamira
Any DREAM THEATER fans here. They are my favorite band.

When I used to subscribe to guitar player mag, John Petrucci used to be a contributing musician and id play some of his tabs.

Have seen em live, good show but a little tooo progresive for me
This was meant as a joke... I come from a family where men act like men and women act like women. there is no place for sissies wearing make up and prancing around the stage... :mad:

You must hate 90% of 80s metal then!!!
I like everything, but mainly listen to rap and rock. Stuff like Biggie and Pac, STP and AIC, Nappy Roots, Beastie Boys, Pearl Jam, Dre, Snoop, Outkast, Foo Fighters, Kanye West, Common, AC/DC, Beck, Rob/White Zombie, Jay-Z... I'm not really into country, but I live in KY so I'm "exposed" to it pretty often.:p
I like everything, but mainly listen to rap and rock. Stuff like Biggie and Pac, STP and AIC, Nappy Roots, Beastie Boys, Pearl Jam, Dre, Snoop, Outkast, Foo Fighters, Kanye West, Common, AC/DC, Beck, Rob/White Zombie, Jay-Z... I'm not really into country, but I live in KY so I'm "exposed" to it pretty often.:p

Heard some really good live music while in BG this year. My brother and I ventured out to the college bars on the square the first night (tue) that we were there. A local band was playing bluegrass/country/classic rock, put a very good show on.

Although I am not a huge fan of the subject material, I like the sound of snoop and wille nelson's stuff.
"Classic" rock for the most part. Once in a while Dean Martin. Highway to hell just doesn't set the mood with the ladies;)
Heard some really good live music while in BG this year. My brother and I ventured out to the college bars on the square the first night (tue) that we were there. A local band was playing bluegrass/country/classic rock, put a very good show on.

Although I am not a huge fan of the subject material, I like the sound of snoop and wille nelson's stuff.

By "subject material" do you mean WEED? The devil's lettuce? Seriously kids, don't try this at home.:tongue:
Going To Crue Fest Tonight First Row There Or Pit:)!!!!!!!!!!

Yes.....................motley Crue Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Acacia Strain
All Shall Perish
Ephel Duath
Ion Dissonance
Beneath the Massacre
Genghis Tron

There's lots of others;
I'm not really into country, but I live in KY so I'm "exposed" to it pretty often.:p
Unfortunately, The country radio stations in your area program the "approved for idiots" playlist sent fresh from "Music Row". Top 40 country radio artists are good for singing theme songs for Disney films and Wal-mart commercials.
Yup no matter what format, its all corp radio, like classic rock, if the station is owned by Cumulus (sp?) broadcast systems then you will hear the classic rock playlist across the country such as "born to be wild" " you aint seen nuthin yet"...all the same ole run down A and B sides that have been crammed down our throats for years but they do it for a couple of reasons.

1. they are "Familiar" songs meaning if your travlin down a lonesome road late at night flippingthrough channels and you hear Led Zepp "Immgrnt song" you'll stop, where as if you hear Pink Floyd "San Trope" from wont recogonize it and keep flipping.

2. the royalties, certain songs are allowed to be played.

Thank god I dont have to listen to the radio

Now im off to put on some Frank Zappa:cool:
By "subject material" do you mean WEED? The devil's lettuce? Seriously kids, don't try this at home.:tongue:

Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. Reefers, you know the left handed cigs.....................

