what the f@#*!


The "Z"
Apr 22, 2010
IOk so I tryed cleaning my front windshield yesterday andi noticed some glazing on the upper drivers side part (on the inside)...I hit it with some windex and a soft rag...the crap didn't clean it just spread...:mad: so I decided that after work today I was going to gently hit it with a razor and see if it would come off with out spreading...it didnt:confused: then as I was scraping away all happy like the window split open in a triangle...:confused: so I decided to gently tug on the thing that was pretruding off my window and shortly after a 4in peice of window tint came flying off I was dumbfounded and mad...the entire front windsheild is lightly tinted on the inside and now I have to remove it all and get it cleaned up...:mad::mad::mad: I didn't think it was legal to tint the entire inside of the front windsheild so I wasn't thinking, but either way it has to come off and get cleaned up or replaced...
Don't sweat it man. Window tint can be removed and cleaned in 15min or less. Just peel it all off then spray window cleaner over the whole window and scrap the whole window with a razer blade
I had that problem

I had the smae problem with window tint on my WH1 but it was the rear glass, I also cleaned a few of my buddys windows as well and removed the tint from them. Just peel the crap off, try to do it slow so you can get a big piece at a time, then wipe the gooey stuff of with paint reducer and it will come right off, no problem at all;) It smell bad and you might want to do it outside seeing you could lose a few brain cells, but it cleans crap like that off in seconds:D
Umm I have detailed many cars you can NOT use windex on tint. You need a tint safe window cleaner or you will have the problem like you did.
Tint removal ideas

Back in the day I used to tint windows.

FYI do NOT use a razor blade on the rear window if you have defrosters. It will scrape the lines right off, use something similar to that green and yellow dish washing sponge ( you can should use green side).

Also, after ripping the tint from the window,use window cleaner with a high concentration of ammonia. The ammonia will melt the glue and make removal a lot easier.

Lastly, I do remember tinting front windshields with CLEAR 3M tint, although rare, the reason was to reduce almost all UV rays. This was mostly done for medical reasons.
Good luck!
Yeah always use tint safe window cleaners. I took tint off one time by using ammonia and saranwrap. Basically I sprayed the window down with ammonia stuck some saranwrap to keep it from evaporating. The tint came right off.
fn' tint

Well it peeled right off and I cleaned the residue off with some acetone I got a little more to do but it looks nice now...thanks for all the tips