what to buy??


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
hey guys, i was thinking about buying a power logger but am not sure if i will be wasting my money. not because the power logger isnt worth the money cause from what i can tell its more than worth it but because im not sure what the future will hold.

i was gonna run the power logger on my barely modded car for now but may step up to a maf tpro at some point and run a WB02. is the power logger still gonna be able to be used? my immediate plans are to install my recently purchased DP and TA-49 and purchase the power logger since im almost out of "play money".

i may end up going with a regular translator due to the fact that i already have a MAF from a LS2. sorry its a jumble of thoughts but im looking for opinions. :confused: thanks
Yes, the Power logger can still be used with the Translator Pro. It plugs into the address/data buss on the bottom of the ECM just like Direct Scan does, so it wont interfere with any Translator hookups.
If you're thinking of moving up to a WBO2 and want to take advantage of it's tracking capabilities, then just move on up to the Translator Pro and go mafless at the same time (clean up the intake tract).
If you really want to keep the LS2 MAF and still want to take advantage of the WBO2 cababilities, the the Translator Gen II is the way to go.
thanks dave, im gonna get the power logger for now and then decide later when i get more money ill decide what to do about the translator stuff. i might just sell the sensor and go with out it
powerlogger = excellent choice

LS1 maf and regualar translator is an awesome choice, for an instant upgrade and simple plug and play install. Very improvement over a stock maf
thanks for the feedback pacemkr. i had the old turbolink and was pleased at the time, cept for the framerate so i think im gonna love the PL