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What turbo to run.......TA49......What are you runnin?


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1Quick85, those are some real nice pictures. Do you have any lag with the Spearco? What did it run you? Are you selling it now that you have the V2? If you are, how much?
Is a TA serious turbo going to fit better then a TE series turbo(that is the conclusion I got when doing some research on turbos and V2)....i dont really want to have to hack stuff up.....i just want to be able to drop the turbo in and go.....what are the differences in the TA and TE series????

Will I need a different wastegate rod or anything like that??

I email a guy about some 40 injectors he has for sale......135 bucks.........are these good injector for a TE 44 or a TA 49 ? Red Stripe Injectors, how far will they take me 11's.........42.5 lbs. brand new are 300 bucks......if that is the way to go then I will have to wait and go that way dont want to waste have of that money on these 40lbers. and then have to upgrade later:confused:

A HUGE TIA for all your guys help with my ride:D

if those are the "009" 40# injectors they will be just fine,should be enough injector for mid 11's easy.

the difference between a ta and te housing is that the te has the inlet bell cast in,while the ta has the bolt on bell like the stocker.the te is supposed to flow a bit better.

dr d.-i am running a spearco front mount and i have no lag complaints at's a good kit.

To answer an earlier question you can go as big as a TA62 in the hotair housing and TA64 in the IC housing. Both had horrible spool until I moved the TB to the pressure side. The 49 is a great turbo for the street. I ran it for a while with a 2,600 stall and it spooled like stock. It's great for when you get caught off guard. With the TA64 I felt like a Supra. If someone just punched it off a redlight when I wasn't ready full boost didn't come in until mid second gear. On top of that there wasn't much difference in power until I ran racegas and had the boost at 19psi or above. I will say at that boost the difference was very noticable.
get that chip

I am no where near getting my car ready for the street (college budget = no spending on car for a while), but I know a fellow TR member who burns chips for our cars at a decent price. I believe his handle is turbojim. He is Jim testa from Jersey, and he knows tons and tons about our cars. He has the east cost forum in the smog and emissions section. I talk to him every now and then when I need info, and he is great about keeps pushing me to buy his chips, but my car needs an ecm first! Good luck.

Ok I am having a air housing = exhaust housing were the up and down pipes connect or what???

The actual stock turbo would be taken off and the new aftermarket BIGGER turbo would be bolted right up to the exhaust housing....reclocked too....right???

It is all me, I dont get the lingo yet:o , but that is why you guys are I can bother you;)

So a TA62 is the biggest turbo that will bolt up to a stock exhaust housing???

And is there a difference in how a TA or TE would fit/install on my car.........WFO said the inlet bells are different......whats that.......

I think I just set the record for the most stupid questions in one post........:D Just trying to learn.............
I sent my money order out for the red stripe 40lb. injectors that is a go.........just a turbo short of 12 sec. passes.......turbo will be on hold as my college budget seems to be taking over for now......:(
You guys are great....................TIA..............keep the great advice coming..........I love it!!!:D

Thanks, Nick:cool:
Ta33 is a great turbo for the TM IC kit. It really depends on how fast u want to go. I know guys who run the stock 84/5 turbo with this kit, and have gotten great results. Light to light racing, its damn amazing, spools right up but runs out of steam at higher Rpms. in thirs gear at about 4500 rps it looser power.So if 12's are what you're looking for id go with probably a stock 86/7 turbo. They're cheap easy to find and great results. If you got money to spend u can go with a Ta49 even, but the TA33 spools amazing with the stock stall convertor. I run a 2800 stall and the difference was night and day. I am in the midst of putting my car back together, and im gonna throw the stock tubo on just to see what the difference is on the street. You'll need more than the stocker to mahe high mph runs at the track tho.

Thanks for the info guys...........I just got my V2 setup today from FedEx. The intercooler got damaged a little bit..........I will have to take that to the local radiator guy and have him fix it..........I put my shop vac on and it is leaking around the damaged fin area.......looks like a little crack in the air passage tube........a plus is that it is on the back side of the the welding wont show:(

But the V2 kit is brandy new..........and the intake is MASSIVE........I can already feel the difference with the turbomotion intake............My butt got pushed back in my kitchen chair just looking at the intake:eek: ;)

For now the turbo will have to hold on, my budget will not allow for least not right now........but I got some parts I can sell and then we will see how the budget is:cool:

I think between these turbos: stock 86/87.........cause it cheap
TE44..........with stock convertor?
TA49..........with bigger convertor?
Oh ya I got 40 # red stripe injectors coming too!!

Just wanted to update you guys on how everything is going for me and my combo that I am trying to put together:cool:

anymore suggestions or comments???

Thanks, Nick
Your polished stock exhaust housing is ready. Let me know when you want it. If you going to keep the stock turbo or 87 turbo. No need running bigger injectors.
To clear a few things up a TA turbo uses the stock compressor (inlet) housings whether it's an 87 or 84 turbo. Your throttlebody will bolt up just fine. The housings are machined to accept the bigger wheels. A TE series uses a larger compressor housing with the inlet bell cast in (no place to bolt the throttlebody to). Both use the stock exhaust housings bored to fit the bigger exhaust wheel unless you request one of the PTE housings (not recommended) or you go very big on the turbo.

The TE44 and TA49 are about the same turbo. The TE44 will make slightly more power due to the bigger housing with no difference in spool. You can use a stock convertor with either. The nice thing about the TA series is everything bolts up right and they look bone stock on the outside.
Question: my turbo is about dead....i would like a TA-33C but definatly cant afford it....I have a 87 turbo available that I could use but how does it fit? you say re-clock it? what does that mean and what is involved with that? does anyone have a write up? i dont want to mess around with the turbo too much b/c i dont know nothing about them.

and how does it fit in the intake? do you use your adapter from your stock 84/5 turbo or what? and does the up/down pipes all line up as well.....i really need this info so if anyone can help me id be very grateful...thanks, steve
I disagree with one thing said here, $900 is not alot for a complete and unused V2 intake and IC kit. I lost money on the deal, I'm just glad someone who will appreciate it now owns it.

Cool84, which turbo did you run fastest times with?

And for anyone interested I have a TA49 and 009's for sale in the parts for sale forum.
I've only been to the track with the TA49 and didn't get any real times due to a plugged catalytic convertor but it went 12.9@110mph with low boost. I had a milder combo back then too. The big turbos had a much harder top end but even so I edged out a Viper GTS at 24psi on the 49 from a 35mph roll.
I have decided on TA49, now just have to find the hopefully by the end of the summer I should have a good used one..............HOTNHVY still have the TA49???............Just got my 86/87 ECM, V2 kit, and my 40# red my combo is coming together, now just have to put it on sometime.........;)

Just want to thank everyone for their input........this thread turned out really good!!

Is it possible to use a 86/87 front intercooler scoop system with my V2 kit?????? :confused:


Yes, with the electric fan the IC scoop fits fine.
I wonder how much good it does though, without the
IC fan that the 86/87's have. I haven't figured
a way to put one on, but I do have the IC scoop on
Thanks, I just got the front air dams from Brian at GBODY parts..Brian is a good guy....He sent me a set of the air dams and I never recieved them dont know what happened, but he didnt waste anytime and sent me another set...awesome guy and an awesome vendor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now I will have to look into the intercooler scoop setup. I think I will throw one on if its not to much money. Thanks Nick:cool: