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What's a Cobra SVT?


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Mockery from outside communities? LOL. Ok. Mockery probably fits. :)

if gns were produced new, today, with the goal of speed, im sure they would come stock with at least a 44 turbo, 55 lb injectors and a much better intercooler-- all this for alot less than 35000-- this would mean that the 03 mustang would still be watching our tail lights disappear,as usual
Sorry, but that's nothing but conjecture and a rather silly statement. We can all dream this would be the case, but there is no way of knowing.

Of note, in "the day", GN's were one of the most expensive "performance cars" you could buy. Certainly more than Mustangs and the vast majority of Camaro's. If one is to assume what you said above about performance is assumed accurate, then why would the higher price (relative to Mustangs and Camaros) not also be applicable?

GM did the most stupid thing ever by ending the F-bodys and the awesome LS1 motor
Smart business move, but I agree that from an enthusiast perspective, it was very dumb. The LS1, and especially the LS6 are awesome motors. I've often said that my "perfect" n/a car would be my current Cobra with an LS1/6. Notice I said *my* perfect car - tis an opinion. :)
Originally posted by Bob Cosby

I'll hold my breath

Start now, and continue till I say stop, or you pass out, and you have done brain damage from lack for oxygen. You'll be a retard for the rest of your life, and will be a better place.:D

...My offer still stands, and I will even extend it to any car you own, come down and race me.
You made an offer? I'm sorry, I missed it.

Drive 1000 miles to race your car? LOL. Ya right - I'll start driving about the same time your car actually turns a 10 second ET. What was that about retarded? You seem to have some expertise in the subject, so I'd like some clarification, please.

Pssst....I think has gone off topic again.
Originally posted by bandwidthpolice

Pssst, Lee, buddy, '03 Turbo Neon, low 14s out of the box for $19,995. Don't forget that's where we all started. No flames; you're my wingman!
Good point. We will all go buy $19,995 Turbo Neon's that run low 14's out of the box and race them against the new Cobra since the Neon is the bench mark for performance now. :rolleyes: :D
Originally posted by Bob Cosby
You made an offer? I'm sorry, I missed it.

Drive 1000 miles to race your car? LOL. Ya right - I'll start driving about the same time your car actually turns a 10 second ET. What was that about retarded? You seem to have some expertise in the subject, so I'd like some clarification, please.

:rolleyes: ..bob the offer is always on the table. You come down, with any car you own, for some gay ass ford race, and I will smoke you in whatever you drive.:D End of story. If you think my car is only as fast as I tell the public, the next time your down here, come down and shut me up. Show this young punk whats up.:D :cool: Its only an 11.8 car with 100,000 bucks in it, right??:rolleyes:

If you have not figure this out yet bob, you take these friendly debates about brands and cars, far past that to a personal level, which is wrong IMHO. I hope you understand if I ever catch you at a race in a public place, you will not be getting a hand shake, but more likely a knuckle sandwich.:mad:
I hope you understand if I ever catch you at a race in a public place, you will not be getting a hand shake, but more likely a knuckle sandwich.
ROFLOL. Are we now threatening physical violence? Are you serious? You really ought to go chill out for a while - take your shadow with you, please. And as far as taking things have it exactly BACKWARDS kid. I take NONE of this personally. I don't threaten you with a "knuckle sandwich" or an ass-whoopin or anything else. I simply reply to your posts. Is it perhaps too hot in the kitchen for you? Maybe you should stick to a kindler, gentler Forum?

Alex....your car would (or at least should) beat mine. Congratulations. This has been rather obvious for a while - I just like yanking your chain. Still do.

I apologize to the guys that run the Forum. :)
Funny statements...

for some gay ass ford race
you think my car is only as fast as I tell the public, the next time your down here, come down and shut me up
you will not be getting a hand shake, but more likely a knuckle sandwich
Sorry...but these just gave me a good laugh. Not to worry...I remember High School. It hasn't been THAT long ago.


(is this locked yet?)
Originally posted by Bob Cosby
ROFLOL. Are we now threatening physical violence? Are you serious? You really ought to go chill out for a while - take your shadow with you, please. And as far as taking things have it exactly BACKWARDS kid. I take NONE of this personally. I don't threaten you with a "knuckle sandwich" or an ass-whoopin or anything else. I simply reply to your posts. Is it perhaps too hot in the kitchen for you? Maybe you should stick to a kindler, gentler Forum?

Alex....your car would (or at least should) beat mine. Congratulations. This has been rather obvious for a while - I just like yanking your chain. Still do.

I apologize to the guys that run the Forum. :)

Maybe you should leave, you are not wanted here. :mad: You afraid of getting smacked around in person? Its real easy to sit behind a keyboard and talk ****, why not in person. Come on, you old man.:D
Originally posted by Bob Cosby
Funny statements...

Not to worry...I remember High School.

Do you, I heard you were some inbred loser that never made it past the 3rd grade and actually thinks fords are fast. :D :o

I think the funniest thing is, you actually think you are somebody, when it reality, your just a smart ass on the internet, with a slow car. Go back to
Alright alright I've heard (or read enough) You two need to take this to E-mail. That way the Quote King Cosby won't have to copy and paste. This went off topic, then had clear admission harassment by a certain person with a proclivity for "Quotes" which then digressed to threats of physical violence:( People if your going to argue at least make it an intelligent coherent argument<geezz> Thread is done, over, fine...
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