Whats needed to get rid of BigStuff3 and go back stock?

This wouldn't be a vendor out on the east coast who likes orange would it be?? This reminds me of a thread he was involved with a while back saying the same thing.

Doesnt really matter who it is. I dont feel like getting in the middle of a bunch of crap so Im not going to say any more.
Larry sent me his file and I believe I found the issue. He had 625 cc's in for the injector constant and is running 83# inj which should be 875cc according to Chucks handy dandy calculator. That would add about 30% more fuel and cause the problems he is having.

I also rescaled his axis tables and cleaned up the AFR and spark tables and shut the WBO2 off at idle. I have a dumb question though as I don't mess with BS3 that often. Where do you set the TPS idle and WOT values? Under hardware config it has some goofy EJET setting for TPS% 2-4 switch and 4-2, what is that for:confused: They have a 3% TPS thershold setting that indicates idle, is that it??

Also, I thought the ignition strategy was configurable in this system but I don't see anywhere to set that stuff up:confused:

Outside of the above everything else seems pretty basic and straight forward. The software is really basic and the transient and idle tables are REALLY basic. I don't see why I can't get him idling, running and driving without much of an issue as long as the car is healthy.

Chris, I have a GEN1 BS3 and it does not have the EJET setting. I really dont remember how I set up the TPS. Its been a long time. Sorry.