Whats the best song ever made?

welby, thank you for injecting a little taste into this list compiled by boring old men who just name off whatever top 40 song was big the first time they got a piece....I mean, Journey?! My goddamn mother in law listens to Jouney!

I could never pick a song, but a few of the best albums:

Fear Factory: Demanufacture
Killswitch Engage: The End Of Heartache
C.O.C.: Wiseblood
Suicidal Tendencies: Lights, Camera, Revolution
Deicide: Legion
Chris Isaak: Forever Blue

...like broken glass all shattered, with bloody fists I'll batter, like a ten ton hammer, son!....

That'll be stuck in my head all day.
haha most of the bands listed sound like a Who's Who of Mullet Rock

theres no way I can list just one song
Originally posted by ledzeppac
Sylvan where is the Zeppelin comments????

Too easy....

Wow, I'm saddened to see that most TR owners are unimaginative turds who buy whatever the radio tells them to and wouldn't know a good song if it fell out of the sky, landed on their face and started to hump them....
The best ever, would have to one of these 3:
Led - Stairway to heaven
Skynard - Free Bird
GnR - November Rain

My favorite ever:
Puddle of Mudd - Blurry
Derek and the Dominos - Layla

Not that crappy acoustic version, that song makes me gag. You simply cannot argue that Layla is the best song ever performed. IMHO music has gone downhill ever since.....

Originally posted by Pat Adkins
This list shows you guys are.....
a bunch of old farts!!!!!;)

....and I'm 22.
i am not picking songs by radio, i just really like journey and skynard rocks too (seen them in concert.....f'in awsome) but I also could pick a few by PAC (life goes on)but not many people on here would give a sh*t
Originally posted by Pat Adkins
This list shows you guys are.....

Guess what Pat...you are rocketing towards geezerdom as we speak.

a bunch of old farts!!!!!;)
At this point in time I'd have to say METALLICA's master of puppets only because it is so easy to manipulate people.
Originally posted by Pat Adkins

At this point in time I'd have to say METALLICA's master of puppets only because it is so easy to manipulate people.

That's great, but the song is about cocaine.... "Chop your breakfast on a mirror"

I'm having hilarious visuals of people cruising around in badass Buicks, and pulling up to a light with the soothing sounds of "Faithfully" flying out the window... :D

I do like Journey, but that's just not right, lol
i do it all the time, pull up to a light next to some POS rice burner roll the window down jamming journey and give them this look:cool:

i seen skynard in concert about 2 months ago at Smirinoff (sp?)they were kick ass, the best part was right before they played simple man, all the lights turned out and a screen came down and they played this video with all the old band members and they were saying things that inspired them and how great america is and then they showed this eagle flying then they went into the song, i will never forget that.