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turbo swimmer
Mar 2, 2003
i've made the decision, i'm going to go for a simple alochol injection, but whats the best way to go about doing this, buy all the parts myself and put it together or find a it? i'm not worried about the mechanical or electrial aspect of hooking it all up, i'm just looking for the cheapest way.

another question, what kind of nitrous nozzels do you guys use? i just went to the nos (i hate saying that word) website and the only kind of nozzels i could find were foggers, which would work but they have 2 inlets, do you cap one off use both of them or use an entirerly different type of nozzel?
so it is cheaper to buy the parts and not look for a kit. and what kind of nozzel?
Originally posted by denn454
so it is cheaper to buy the parts and not look for a kit. and what kind of nozzel?

Didn't you click on the link? Picture of the NOS nozzle is right there under the pressure switch. What kit are you interested in?
i see the nozzel there, i actually didn't before, i guesss i didn't look too close. that isn't a fogger is it? i really don't know much about this kind of stuff.
Denn, Certain terminologies spoken in this forum are of no importance. I've been running this basic diy alky kit for over 3yrs. and 70,000 miles with no problems and is good into the 11s. Go ahead and get the parts together and if you, or any other interested party, have any problems, I'll guide you through. The performance gained with alcohol injection is well worth the effort. ;)
Originally posted by Red Regal T
Denn, Certain terminologies spoken in this forum are of no importance. I've been running this basic diy alky kit for over 3yrs. and 70,000 miles with no problems and is good into the 11s. Go ahead and get the parts together and if you, or any other interested party, have any problems, I'll guide you through. The performance gained with alcohol injection is well worth the effort. ;)

thanks for the support, I was just checking to make sure i know what to get, i've assumed way too many things in the past. i've began looking around for the parts to put it all together.
The NOS nozzle that Red suggests or that is in the DIY kit. Is that aluminum or is it stainless? Will the alchy corrode the nozzle/jet if it is alum? What P/N?

The holder is aluminum and the jet is brass. I'm still using the same one I installed over three years ago.

If you are having any problem finding parts, let me know.