Here's a quick copy of notes between an generic and a BQ...
I have more specific notes and all the valves drawn out and measured but no way to put up here.
I also have the BRF measurements now that aren't listed here.
ll Item numbers are as listed in the ATSG Tech Manual Valve body exploded view.
#302 TV same
#304 was different but was from TransGo SK, longer by .060
#305 TV plunger was .040 larger diameter small lands in BQ code GN valve body.
#308 TV Limit valve spring is shorter and stiffer on BQ
#309 TV Limit valve is same on both vb's
#312 TV Mod downshift smaller lands are .100 larger diameter on BQ.
#313 TV Mod DS spring is similar
#314 TV Mod Upshift valve is the same
#315 spring is different but part of TransGo kit I beleive.
#316 spring is similar
#317 valve is same
#318 Line bias valve small land is smaller on BQ
.317 on BQ vs. .345 on BY
#319 Line bias spring is different shorter stiffer on BQ but likely changed by SK
#321 Accum spring lighter, shorter on BQ, likely changed by SK.
#322 Accum valve is larger on 2 pairs of lands and smaller on rt end as pictured on the BQ coded VB.
.330 vs. .315 on pairs (4 lands) and .370 vs. .470 on large end.
#323 valve is different, smaller lands on both ends of BQ VB.
#324 3-4 Throttle valve is different, larger lands all around on BQ.
#325 spring is similar
#329 spring is essentially the same
#330 valve is the same
#331 1-2 shift valve is the same
#333 Lo detent shift valve is different, all lands are smaller on the BQ VB.
#334 1-2 Throttle valve, smaller left land (as pictured) .065 smaller than BY.
#335 1-2 Throttle valve spring is same
#341 2-3 shift valve is smaller by .030 on all lands
#342 2-3 throttle valve is different.
#343 spring is different